Tasks can be assigned to people without d.vinci access so that they can complete the task.


  • The task recipient is an internal person without user access or a user without authorization: You need to instruct an employee from the marketing department to send advertising material to the onboardee.
  • Task recipient is an external person: You should instruct your trusted florist to deliver a bouquet of flowers on time for the onboardee's first working day.


  • The task must have been set up as transferable.
  • An email address of the person who is to receive the task is required.

Manually assigned task

Individual tasks can be manually assigned to people.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the page Onboardings. The page Dashboard is displayed.
  2. Click on the name of an onboardee. The page Onboarding is displayed with the tab Tasks open.
  3. Enable or disable filters as required to find the task you are looking for.
  4. Click on the envelope icon at the end of the column. The task input form is advertised.
  5. Fill out the input form:
    • Task Assignee
      Enter the email address of the task assignee.
    • Note for Task Assignee
      The text entered here will be sent to the task assignee by email.
    • Notify When Done
      One or more responsible users can be selected here who will be informed by email as soon as the task assignee has marked the assigned task as completed.
    • If required, select attachments that have previously been released for the task. More on this: Create, update and store documents in tasks
  6. Click on the button Assign Task to save the entry. The Onboarding page is displayed.


Tasks can be assigned to multiple people by repeating the process with different task assignees. If the task is marked as completed by one task recipient, the task is closed for all task recipients.

Task automated transfer

It is possible to configure tasks in such a way that the tasks are automatically transferred as soon as the task receives the task status Finished soon. More about the task status here: Tasks

Proceed as follows:

  1. Create task.
  2. Enable the Assignable Task option.
  3. Fill in the email-adress of the Task Assignee.
  4. Select at Automatic Assign the option Yes.
  5. Click on the button Create to save the task.