Explanation of terms

Template layouts are email or letter templates for sending repeated messages. They contain general information about the message text that should appear in every message. For example, salutation, farewell formula and signature are included here.

The actual message text is not contained in the style sheet, but in the correspondence template. A template layout is assigned when a correspondence template is created. Style sheets can be provided with dynamic placeholders.


Using the page Template Layouts in the menu, new template layouts can be created with +Create and existing ones can be edited.

Behavior in the system

  • Display of the template layouts when sending messages
    When sending messages, users have the option of editing the message text of the correspondence template. The underlying template layout, on the other hand, is displayed in a grayed-out area when sending messages and can only be edited in the menu. This prevents the legal information contained in the template (as well as all other information) from being changed by users without authorization.
  • Notes on configuration
    • Name
      The name is only visible to you internally and should be designed in such a way that you can recognize the content of the style sheet.

    • Organizational unit
      The style sheet can only be selected for correspondence templates 

    • Type

      • Email
        This is suitable for all emails that you send from the system or that are sent automatically by the system and are linked to system correspondence templates.

        • Template
          The placeholder {CORRESPONDENCE_TEMPLATE:CONTENT} is already contained in this field and should be retained. This placeholder is filled with the content of the correspondence template when the message is sent. If you remove the placeholder, the template cannot be saved and an error message is displayed. In this case, select and copy the placeholder in the error message and paste it back into the template to be able to save the template.
          Other than that, the content can be freely defined. The following is usually included here: Placeholders for the salutation, always the placeholder for the correspondence template, usually the farewell formula, placeholders for the contact person and the signature of your company.
          It is possible to insert images, separators and theoretically also HTML code via the HTML editor in order to design the template layout in the same way as emails in your company.

        • Font
          We provide some fonts for you to use. These are: Arial, Calibri, Calibri Light, Comic Sans MS, Corier New, Georgia, Lucida Sans Unicode, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana
          We cannot add any other fonts.

        • Font Size
          The font sizes 8-14 are possible for the entire style sheet.
          If you want to make text lines particularly large or small, this is possible using the Format button in the HTML editor or HTML code.

        • Custom Stylesheet
          This allows you to further customize the appearance of your stylesheets. However, we recommend using only simple stylesheets (CSS version 2) to ensure the greatest possible compatibility with various e-mail programs.

      • System email
        Template layouts of the type system email are identical to the type email, except that they are system elements.

      • German Standard Letter DIN-5008:Type B
        This is a type of letterhead/letterhead for postal letters. This is designed according to the DIN standard.

        • Sender Line

        • Contact Person

        • Telephone

        • Email

        • Footer Left

        • Footer Center Left

        • Footer Center Right

        • Footer Right

      • Document
        There are 2 templates of the type document available.
        Templates of the type Document are text documents that are created in third-party word processing programs, e.g. in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer. The text documents are then uploaded to the style sheet. The DOCX and ODT formats as well as some others are supported.
        By default, the system provides two style sheets of the type document. Further style sheets of this type can be ordered by email via d.vinci Customer Service

  • Renaming
    Template layouts can be renamed at any time. The new name is immediately visible wherever the style sheet is used.

  • Deletion
    Format templates can only be deleted after all dependencies have been removed. This means that they may no longer be used in any correspondence templates. If you click on the delete button  , the linked correspondence templates will be displayed. You can click on it and replace the style sheet with another one.

This is how our customers use this

Most customers use the template layouts to address applicants above the content and the signature below the actual text of the email or letter. The style sheet frames the text.

This ensures that all correspondence corresponds to the same format and always guarantees correct addressing.