Hiring request templates are a kind of sample hiring requests. These templates can contain complete hiring requests, as well as individual, recurring parts. When creating the hiring request, it is possible to transfer parts from the hiring request templates and thus pre-fill the new hiring request.  

Required rights:   

  • Create hiring requests

  1. Open the page Hiring Request Templates. The page with the same name is displayed.
  2. Click on the button  Hiring request template. The input form is displayed.
  3. Fill in the input form.
    Elements of the input form:
    Mandatory fields marked with *, optional fields without marking
    • Name*
    • Organizational unit*
    • Language*
  4. Click on the button  Create to save the entries. The input form Hiring request template details is displayed.
    Fields of this form:
  5. Click on the button  Update to save the entries. The Hiring request template page appears with the details you entered earlier.
    You can edit the details via the  icon or remove the template via the   Delete icon.