Through an interface, data can be transferred from your d.vinci to your SAP. We work together with Sensatus for this purpose.

The interface is based on SAP Fiori (part of SAP) and works with our REST API. The goal of the interface is to transfer posted applications to SAP and create a personnel master there. The previous way via copy and paste is no longer necessary.

Basically, there are two ways to transfer the master data of hired applicants from d.vinci to SAP.

Individually via button

In each application there is a new button that can be used to initiate the transfer process for this application (can also be restricted with an authorization). When the button is clicked, a form is opened in SAP. This is already prefilled with the master data of the application and can be supplemented or edited. The data then only needs to be saved.

Collected by list

A list is generated in SAP from all applications entered in d.vinci. Using this list in SAP, a new personnel master can then be created from the data of each application.

The attachments are transferred to the digital personnel file. There are various providers here, but most of them use a standard SAP API.

In our Insights video, we discuss the interface from minute 30:31.

Since each customer has a unique SAP system, we would be happy to coordinate a meeting with Sensatus for you in advance to address the following issues in particular, should you remain interested in the implementation after reviewing the information.

  • Process of the transfer
  • SAP version/ technical requirements
  • Which digital personnel file is being used?
  • Are there any important customizings in SAP that should be considered?
  • Further automation possibilities

You are not a customer yet? Write us an email at [email protected] or call us at +49 (0) 40 37 47 99 988 .

Please see the attachment and the Sensatus website for more information: