If you want to change a lot of data at once, this means a lot of work. We have a solution for this.

You need to change a lot of data at once?
Come and talk to us!
Together we will analyze your challenge, discuss how we can help you and provide you with a non-binding offer.



We use "Microsoft Power Platform" for the implementation of this service. Please contact your data protection officer before placing an order to check whether this is permitted as a subcontractor. To the subcontractor contract on our website.


Example from practice: The login method of all users should be changed

Users who previously logged in with a user name/password should be able to do so via single sign-on in future.


  1. Single sign-on is set up
    Single Sign-on has been set up by you according to our instructions.
  2. Date coordination
    You agree a date with us on which the change should take place.
  3. User name
    You tell us whether the user name should remain the same or be replaced with the email address.
    Important here:
    The user name in d.vinci must be identical to the name ID of the SSO identity provider.
  4. Export of the user data
    You export the user data shortly before the agreed deadline so that the data source is up-to-date.
  5. Printing and preparation of Excel data
    Please check each row of the Excel file.
    If the user should use the corresponding login method, the value in the corresponding column must be "TRUE". Otherwise, please use the value "FALSE". Please pay attention to the capitalization of the values.
    If you have several users with the same email address in the system and the email address is also the Name_ID of the identity provider, not all users can be rewritten with the email address, as the user name must be unique. In this case, please delete the lines with the duplicate users from the Excel list.
    Background to the structure of the table
    The following login methods are currently supported. The columns are named the same: User name/Password and Single Sign-on. You can use the "User name" column to check the requirements.
  6. Transmission of the checked Excel file
    Send us the customized Excel file immediately before the import.
  7. Import the list
    We import the list.
    Background for the import
    During the import, the values from the columns "User name/password" and "Single sign-on" are taken. If required, the information from the Email column is also imported into the user name.
  8. Email to the user
    As soon as the user data (user name, login method, email address) has been changed automatically, an email is sent to each user informing them that the data has been changed. We recommend informing users in advance about the change and that automatic emails are also triggered from d.vinci.