To ensure data protection and information security in our cooperation with your company, we need at least one contact person who is authorized to issue instructions to us and, for example, to request changes to your d.vinci software products. You can name these persons directly in d.vinci.
Read more in the main article: Users Authorized to Issue Instructions

Required rights

  • Edit Basic Settings 

Add users authorized to issue instructions

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the page Basic Settings. The page of the same name will be displayed.
  2. Click on the tab Contract. The open tab is displayed.
  3. Click on the edit icon. An input mask is displayed.
  4. Click in the field Users Authorized to Issue Instructions. A drop-down selection list is displayed.
  5. Select all users who are to be authorized to issue instructions.
    You can also start typing their name to narrow down the list.
  6. Click the button Update to save your entries.

Delete users authorized to issue instructions

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the page Basic Settings. The page of the same name will be displayed.
  2. Click on the tab Contract . The opened tab is displayed.
  3. Click on the edit icon. An input mask is displayed.
  4. Click on the X behind the name of the users you want to remove as authorized users.
  5. Click on the button Update to save your entries.