Forms are a type of questionnaire that you can have your onboardees fill out. They consist of the form and the form fields contained therein.

Required rights

  • Create forms  

1. Create form

The first step is to create a form.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the page Formulare.
  2. Click on the button  Create. The input form  Form is displayed.
  3. Fill out the input form.
    How to fill in the fields can be found in the main article: Forms
    • Title*
    • Selectable for Portal Tasks
    • Select the permissions for the responsibilities (supervisor, manager, etc.) that they should have with regard to the form. The available options are view and view/edit
  4. Click on the button Create to save the changes. The page Form is displayed.

2. Create form field

Form fields must now be added to the form. They are later the selection for the onboardees. Any number of form fields can be added.

You are in the tab Data with the details of the form you have just created.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the tab Form Fields.
  2. Click on the button  Form Field. The input form of the same name is displayed.
  3. Fill out the input form.
    How to fill in the fields can be found in the main article: Forms
    • Name*
    • Type*
    • Required
    • Usable as placeholder in
    • Screening Question (Internal Name)
  4. Click on Create. The page Form is displayed with the tab Form fields activated.
    Click Create and Create Another to continue directly with the creation of another field.
  5. Repeat the process until all the desired fields are present in the form/questionnaire.