Explanation of terms

One day before a task is due (portal task), onboardees automatically receive an email from the system reminding them of this. 


In the correspondence templates the  system correspondence template Employee portal: Reminder of due task must be customised to your wording and your way of speaking/writing 

Behaviour in the system

  • Time of dispatch
    Each completed task triggers a single email to the onboardees. The email is triggered when a task in the employee portal is due for the onboardee tomorrow.
  • Customisation of the standard text
    The text of the correspondence template can be customised according to your corporate communication.
    Please note that you have to decide on a form of address. If you are formal in one employee portal and informal in another, it would be good if you formulated the text of the correspondence template neutrally. This ensures that each person feels appropriately addressed;
      The text is as follows on delivery

    Subject: Reminder of your task - {TASK:PORTAL_TITLE}


    Here is a reminder of your task:


    We would be very pleased if you could complete it promptly so that you have a perfect start with us.

    View the task in the employee portal and mark it as completed:


    Thank you very much for your support!

  • Flexibly required placeholder
    The correspondence template always requires the placeholder Employee portal - login link =  {EMPLOYEE_PORTAL:LOGIN_URL}. This creates a link for the onboardee to the task.
  • Design of the link
    The link generated by the placeholder can be designed as text using code.
    Read more here: Display link as text
  • Appoint tasks for the onboardees
    Tasks that are linked to a portal task , i.e. those that are to be completed by onboardees, can be recognised by the icon  in the task list.
  • Display of the due date
    The due date of a task is not displayed to an employee in the employee portal. You can filter for this in the task overview in onboarding.

How our customers use this

Our customers customise the text of the correspondence template to their preferred way of addressing onboardees, including the choice between "you" and "you" as well as specific salutations.

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