These are the features we implemented
You can find more information in the Release Notes or in the Release Notes Archive for the last years.
You can find the currently planned features in the What's next for Onboarding.
Restriction of forms
You should be able to assign the forms to a specific organizational unit so that they can be used even more specifically for your areas and the form list only contains the forms that are important for the organizational unit.
Edit resons of entry
Currently we offer you a list of different entry reasons. Your feedback showed us that not all of them are relevant. To simplify the creation, you can delete unused entries, adapt existing ones to your company language or create new ones. With more specific entry reasons, you can better control the pre-assignment of task packages when creating onboardings.
Send correspondence with attachments
If you want to provide your onboardees with individual documents like certificates or documents, you can do that in the future by adding individual attachments to messages to the onboardee.
Include screening questions from applications in onboarding
In the course of an application process, you collect information about the applicant via screening questions. In the future, you can automatically transfer selected information when creating an onboarding. Manual copying is no longer necessary.