Over time, more and more data records accumulate in the system. It can quickly become confusing in the system.

To prevent this, you can pause, end or delete onboardings manually and hide them from your standard view on the Onboardings page or even remove them completely from the system. If you want to do this automatically, please click here: automatically end and/or delete onboardings

Further information on e.g. system connections can be found in the main article: Onboarding

End onboardings

If onboardings reach the end of the onboarding process in the schedule, then in the best case all tasks have been completed and the time in which you are actively working on the onboarding is over. It therefore makes no sense to still see such an onboarding on the Onboardings page;
When you end the onboarding, it is given a different status and is no longer displayed in the standard view of the page, as the filter initially only shows active onboardings.

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the onboarding that you want to end.
  2. Press the cogwheel button   at the top right of the page. A selection menu is displayed.
  3. Press the  Exit onboarding option. The Finish onboarding  modal opens in the foreground.
  4. Enter a comment.
  5. Press the Finish onboarding button. The Onboarding page with a success message is displayed.

Pause onboardings

Onboardings can be paused if, for example, onboardees are absent for a while due to illness or for other reasons.
If you pause the onboarding, it is given a different status and is no longer displayed in the standard view of the page, as the filter initially only shows active onboardings.

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the onboarding that you want to pause.
  2. Press the cogwheel button   at the top right of the page. A selection menu is displayed.
  3. Press the  Pause onboarding option. The Stop onboarding modal opens in the foreground.
  4. Select a termination reason.
  5. If required, enter a comment.
  6. Press the Pause onboarding button. The Onboarding page with a success message is displayed.

Resume onboarding

Paused onboardings can be resumed at any time and provided with a customized schedule.

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the onboarding you want to continue.
  2. Press the cogwheel button   at the top right of the page. A selection menu is displayed.
  3. Press the option  Continue onboarding.
  4. Change the schedule as needed.
  5. Press the Continue onboarding button. The Onboarding page with a success message is displayed.

Delete onboardings

Onboardings can be deleted at any time. Once deleted, they are irrevocably removed from the system. They cannot be restored. However, you can choose whether or not you want to keep statistical data so that the onboarding can continue to be taken into account in evaluations.

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the onboarding that you want to delete.
  2. Press the cogwheel button   at the top right of the page. A selection menu is displayed.
  3. Press the  Delete option. The Delete onboarding  modal opens in the foreground.
  4. Choose whether you want to keep the statistical data or not.
  5. Press the Delete button. The Onboarding page with a success message is displayed.