You can easily and for free check whether your job ad is known on Google and thus also on other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Ecosia, and others.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the job list on your website, click on the position you want to check to see if it appears on Google. The job ad will be displayed.
  2. Copy the URL of the job ad. 
  3. Open Google search at
  4. Type "site:" and paste the copied job ad URL.
  5. Click the "Google Search" button.
    Is the job ad displayed? Perfect! The job ad has been indexed by Google!
    Not showing up? Nothing to see? Then try this:
    1. Open Google search at
    2. Type "info:" and paste the copied job ad URL.
    3. Click the "Google Search" button.
      You will now see all the pages where the link to your job ad is included.

Your job ads are not showing up in the search results or don’t look as they should?
We will bring you up to date on search engine optimization, Google for Jobs, and SEO in recruiting – aka SEO4Jobs. We are happy to provide you with a more detailed overview and enable you to implement your search engine optimization sustainably, making you more successful and visible in the long term.
Join us for the next workshop!