Glossary — ATS

System URL
The system URL is the Internet address via which you can login to the system and thus access your applications, job openings and so on.  Once you have d...
Talent Pool
TABLE OF CONTENTS Explanation of terms Configuration Behaviour in the system How our customers use this More articles on this topic Explanation of ...
Task definitions
Task definitions make it possible for you to receive a task after changing to a certain status. This is like a to-do and informs you of an action due in the...
Tasks are to-dos for you as well as a warning function - e.g. in conflicts. You can create tasks by task definition or receive some automatically, for examp...
Test Methods
You can include Test Methods in your application process via various test providers. This allows you to send a correspondence with a link to the Test Method...
Tracking Code
A Tracking Code is a code that is inserted into an HTML document (a web page).  It enables the analysis of the visitors of the page. With d.vinci i...
Type of application
The application type indicates the medium through which a candidate has applied. You can assign this manually when you create an application. If the applica...
Unsolicited Job Opening
Candidates who have not found a suitable Job Opening among your current Job Advertisements, but would still like to apply to you, can apply for Unsolicited ...
URL path
The URL path is needed when creating an Application Portal to distinguish the different Application Portals from each other.  Attention   The URL must...
URL to External Publication
In the publication, you can place an URL to external publication at the bottom in the Additional Information section. Once you have maintained it, the j...