Overview Pages
When you open a hiring request, the view with the open Data tab opens first. Here you see general data on the hiring request. Via the button Comment...
When you open the page Hiring requests, a list of all hiring requests is displayed. Note A pre-filtering (status: In progress, approval process run...
Open the page Job Advertisement Templates. A list with job advertisement templates is displayed. Service Your new d.vinci layout Would you like to...
When you open a job opening, the last tab is the history. This allows you to track changes to the job opening and who made them. Via the button Comm...
When you open a job opening, the sixth tab is Activities. Here you can see an overview of all activities related to the job opening. You can add a comme...
When you open a job opening, the third tab is Attachments. Here you can see the attachments that have been stored in the job opening. You can...
When you open a job opening, the fourth tab is Costs. You can add a comment via the Comment button. Use the &a...
If you open a job opening, the view with the open tab Data opens first. Here you can see the general data of the job opening. Using the buttons Activat...
When you open a job opening, the second tab is Ranking. Here you can set how screening questions are weighted and what your minimum response requ...
When you go to the Job Openings page, you will see a list of all the Job openings in your d.vinci. Note A pre-filtering (Status: Active, Inactive...