Explanation of terms

An HTML editor is a text creation program that allows you to compose text either in plain form or in a code view as HTML text.



HTML editors can be found throughout d.vinci wherever texts can be composed and designed.


The functions displayed in the HTML editor depend on the specific context. Only those functions that are supported in the respective area are shown.


System behavior

  • Appearance of the HTML Editor
  • Text Formatting
    There are four buttons for quick text formatting:
    • Select a text and click on (Engl.: bold), to highlight it in bold.
    • Select a text and click on (Engl.: italic), to emphasize it in italic.
    • Select a text and click on (Engl.: underline), to underline it.
    • Select a text and click on , to remove all formatting from the text and revert it to the normal style. (The icon consists of a bold, italic, underlined T (Engl.: text). The x signifies "remove".)
  • List Markers
    • Click on  to obtain numbered list markers.
    • Click on  to obtain unnumbered bullet points.
  • Text Alignment 
    By default, the text is displayed left-aligned. Accordingly, this option is active.
    You can also choose center, right, or justified alignment.
  • Insert or Remove Links 
    If you want to link something in the text, click on the link icon and fill out the input form.
    If you click on the link and then on the icon with the x, you can remove the link. 
  • Insert Placeholders
    This function is used to insert placeholders into the text insert. The icon is only displayed in the HTML editor when the use of placeholders is allowed.
  • Insert Media
    You can insert images and videos using the corresponding buttons, and you will need the link to the media.
    Once you have created media, you can also copy the link at any time. 
  • Insert Table 
    Click on it to set the properties of the table before it is inserted. 
  • Insert Horizontal Line
    To visually separate texts, you can insert such a line. 
  • Format
    Use this to specify how the font is formatted and, for example, choose heading sizes. 
  • Cutand Copy
    There are two buttons for copying text. These buttons are disabled by default and are enabled when you select some text.
    • Click on to cut the selected text, i.e., copy it to the clipboard and remove it from the text, so that you can paste it elsewhere.
    • Click on  to copy the selected text to the clipboard.
  • Paste Text
    There are three buttons for pasting text.
    Please read the important information about pasting text from Word templates here
    • Click on to paste content that has already been copied to the clipboard. This may be an image, plain text, or even a hyperlink. Any formatting contained in copied texts will be included. In particular, when copying text from the internet, a lot of HTML code is often copied, which only becomes visible in coding mode.
    • Click on to paste content that has already been copied without formatting from the clipboard. This ensures that, even when copying from the internet, only the actual plain text is pasted, without any hidden code.
    • Click on to paste content that has already been copied from Microsoft Word from the clipboard. This allows you to seamlessly paste content from Word documents without losing or distorting the formatting.
  • Undo Actionsor Redo
    • Click on to undo an action. Up to 19 actions can be undone.
    • The button is disabled by default and will be enabled once at least one action has been undone. Click on  to redo an undone action. You can redo as many actions as have been undone, provided no other changes have been made in between.
  • Source
    By default, the text you write is displayed in plain text mode. This mode displays content without HTML markup tags. (Markup tags are the HTML elements that enclose content and assign it a specific formatting or function.)
    1. Click on the button to activate the Source Code Mode. In this mode, all content is displayed with its respective HTML markup tags.
    2. Click on the same button to deactivate the Source Code Mode. Changes made in source code mode will be visible in plain text mode.
  • Show Blocks
    Text is written in sections when you create paragraphs, etc. You can make these blocks visible by clicking on the button. The small P in the corner stands for the English word "paragraph". 
  • Maximize
    You can display your workspace across the entire page. To exit this mode, click the icon again. 

How our customers use this

As soon as any formatting is applied to texts in d.vinci, the text editor comes into play.
We strongly advise against simply copying content from Word into the system. The formatting may then appear mixed up and not align with your corporate design.
See also: Import Text from Word Templates