By creating different Reasons for Rejection, you can keep track of why a candidate was rejected. Reasons for Rejection are created in the Master Data. You can store as many as you like.

You will find the following Reasons for Rejection in your d.vinci when the system is delivered:

  • Job Opening was closed  
  • Professionally overqualified
  • Professionally non-qualified
  • Desired Salary was too high
  • Application was withdrawn
  • Unsolicited application: no suitable position available

Reasons for Rejection can be added to each status change (these are always a required field). After the selection at the status change, the last selected Reason for Rejection is listed in the application as Last Reason for Rejection. Mostly, however, the Reason for Rejection is only offered as a selection option when changing the status to "Canceled", "Task: Please reject" or "Self Rejected".


The status changes " Rejected" and "Self Rejection" can be titled differently in your company.

Reasons for Rejection can also be inserted in correspondences as placeholder Application - Last Reason for Rejection.


The applicant sees the title of the Reason for Rejection in the correspondence when using the placeholder Application - Last Reason for Rejection.