d.vinci is a web application that can be accessed by calling a specific web page (login/registration page).

A web browser must be used to call up web pages. Many different browsers can be used to access d.vinci. However, our development team can only test a limited number of browsers to ensure full functionality of d.vinci. 

Supported Web Browsers

The full functionality of d.vinci is guaranteed on the current and its previous version of:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Apple Safari

Not supportet Web Browsers

  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Edge Legacy


If you are using a browser version that is no longer supported, you will be notified in the login window. In order to continue using d.vinci then, it is necessary to choose another browser.

Incorrect display

In individual cases, minor optical errors may occur. In this case, please send us the following information by email for an analysis:

  • Operating system (e.g. Windows 11 Pro)
  • Browser incl. version (e.g. Safari 17.4 or Chrome 124)
  • Hardware (e.g. iPhone 14 Plus or ThinkPad T24 Gen3)


  • E-Mails from your d.vinci
    When you receive messages from your d.vinci in Outlook, Lotus Notes etc., they usually contain links into your d.vinci system.
    As soon as you click on this link, it will be opened automatically in the browser that is set as your default browser. This can also be a browser that we no longer support. Please contact your corporate IT department to change it. They can change the default browser on your PC.
  • Applicants can not submit their application
    If applicants cannot submit their application because they receive an error message, it may be helpful to ask which browser they were using. This will help us at d.vinci Support to better understand the system behavior.
    The same applies to questions that you forward to us: In the event of display errors in the software, for example, it may be helpful for us to know the browser you used to access d.vinci.