Tips and Tricks

Select all options / Multiselect
In your d.vinci you can select several options in some entry forms. This could be useful, for example, if you want to generate an Excel report and have the ...
My Menu
You can personalize which pages shall be displayed as menu items in the navigation bar. In the My Menu section, you will find all the pages that will be dis...
Configure Contact HR
You can provide your colleagues with HR contact information or other important information and tips on the login page of your system. In addition, users wh...
Change Language / Change Language of the System
You can switch the language of your system in your user information with a single click. For example from German to English. All menu items and system eleme...
Searching on a page
In addition to our application search and filter options, you can also search any open page through the browser search. Among other things, this helps you t...
Supported Browser / Compatibility
d.vinci is a web application that can be accessed by calling a specific web page (login/registration page). A web browser must be used to call up web pages...
Set filters constantly
In your d.vinci Applicant Tracking System you can set filters in different places (e.g. applications or jop openings menu) to narrow down information whenev...
Help, the formatting/font style is wrong!
Sometimes a font style or font size mismatch may occur your the job advertisement or in your correspondence. This is most often caused by copy-pasting texts...
Display links as text
At some points in the system, URL paths/links to additional features of your d.vinci are displayed. For example, in correspondence as an invitation link to ...
Incorrect display of umlauts
It can happen that umlauts are not displayed correctly on your website. For example, it may say: WÄ□hlen This is often caused by an incorrect definition of...