Explanation of terms

Browsers are programs that provide you with access to the internet. Examples: Chrome, Firefox, Safari.


Since browsers are not part of the d.vinci system, we cannot provide specific configuration details. In most cases, your company determines which browsers you can use at work.

Behavior in the system

  • Supported Browsers
    More information: Supported Browsers / Compatibility
  • First Access to the System
    When you receive your initial login credentials for d.vinci via email, the email will also contain a link. Clicking this link will automatically open the URL in your default browser.
  • Error Messages
    • On Your End
      If you report a system issue to us, we will often ask for your browser and browser version. Please check online how to find your browser version and note it down before contacting us. This information is essential for error analysis.
    • For Applicants
      If applicants are unable to apply due to an error message, it may help to ask which browser they are using. This allows us to better analyze the system behavior at d.vinci Support.
    • For an Optimal Support Request
      Learn how to create the best support request: Contact d.vinci

How our customers use it

Many customers use the browser that their company has set as the default. However, if other browsers are installed, you can also use them to access d.vinci.

Further articles on this topic