Ttable of Contents

Explanation of terms 

Attachments are documents that can be stored in various places in the system and are thus available to other users. Existing attachments can be accessed in many places via the Attachments tab.

Allowed file formats

External (submitted via the application form): 

  • Word, PDF, PowerPoint, jpg, gif, png.
    Maximum file size: 10 MB, maximum total size: 20 MB

Internal (for example, via manual upload of attachments in an application): 

  • Word, PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, jpg, gif, png
    Maximum file size: 10 MB, maximum total size: 20 MB

Internal (media files):

  • jpg, gif, png, svg
    Maximum file size: 250 KB

Security note

By default, all documents in the application can be opened only as PDF, in order to render harmless any malware that may be present in the documents. However, there is a permission Download attachments (of applications) as original files, which allows you to open Word documents and the like. 

If you open the documents as original files, you may load viruses, trojans, etc. onto your computer. We therefore recommend that you only give permission to download attachments as original files to people whose computers are not connected to the company network.
We also check attachments for viruses. If a file is identified as potentially malicious, uploading is interrupted and the user is advised to consult the administrators about the suspicious file.

Attachments in applications

Attachments can be added to an application. These can be documents that the applicant has sent to you, such as CV, certificates, etc., as well as documents that you upload in the application, such as interview notes and the like.

Attachments to the application can be seen by all users who can see the application. Unless they have been uploaded as confidential attachments.


Attachments can be created in several ways:

  • By entering an application with attachments from your mailbox in d.vinci. The attachments are automatically transferred to the attachments tab of the application.
  • By sending them to the e-mail address that is displayed when you press +Attachment in the attachments tab in the application. (doc-....@...)
  • By uploading the file in the attachments tab in the application via +Attachment.

Behavior in the system

  • All documents that applicants upload through the application form will be checked by us for viruses/malware programs. If an attachment with such a program is detected, it will be moved to quarantine and an entry will be made in the applicant's history.
    For security reasons, the applicants will not be informed about the rejection of the documents.


    If you are missing documents from online applications, please check the history entries to see if a compromised document may be the source.

    How do I get the documents moved to Quarantäne?
    For your safety, the affected documents remain in Quarantäne. We will not release them. Please contact the applicant and request the documents again.

Attachments in correspondences

An attachment can be added to a correspondence. For example, directions or a document with a task that the applicant should solve.

Depending on where they are stored, the attachments can be viewed by all users who can access the Attachments tab and/or the Application History tab.


  • The attachment can be created in the correspondence template. When the correspondence template is selected, the attachment is then available and can be deselected if required.
  • Alternatively, an individual attachment can be uploaded when sending a correspondence: Add attachment to a correspondence template.
  • If you click on the title of the attachment, you can open it and check the content.
    If you need to make changes, deselect the attachment and upload a new attachment once or by correction in the correspondence template. 


Attachments that were not previously linked to a correspondence template, but were added to the correspondence later, before it was sent, cannot be called up later. Only the attachment name is displayed in the history tab, but the content of the attachment cannot be viewed. We only save files in the application that are previously stored as attachments in the correspondence template. Please upload subsequently added attachments in the application in the attachments tab.

Attachments in calls for entries

You can also add attachments to an RFP. Whether they are approvals of the RFP by the works council or more detailed documents such as notes or framework agreements. 

The attachments can be viewed by all users who can also view the job opening.


Attachments are created via the Attachments tab in the job opening.

Attachments in Hiring Requests

Attachments can be added to a personnel request. These can be job descriptions, old job postings or scanned documents. 

The attachments can be viewed by all users who can also view the personnel request.


Attachments can be added when the personnel requirement is created or via the Attachments tab in the personnel requirement.