With the appointment survey, you can inform a candidate and/or your colleagues of appointment suggestions via a questionnaire in a correspondence. The recipient can select appointments and forward them to you in the system. After the appointment survey, you can send an invitation to a meeting.

To set up the appointment survey, several steps are necessary.

1. Create appointment survey status

Create a new application status, for example with the name "Appointment Survey Started".

For the value Appointment: you must select Start Appointment Survey. Everything else can remain set to no.

2. Create status for completed or conducted appointment survey

Create a new application status, for example with the name "Appointment Survey Completed".

Nothing special needs to be selected here, and everything can remain set to no.

3. Move the two statuses to the correct place in the list

the statuses to the logically correct place in your recruitment process.
You can do this by pressing and dragging the   icon in front of the status.

4. Create automated status change

Create a new automated status change, for example with the name "Appointment Survey Completed".

Starting Status: Name from Step 1

Follow-up Status: Name from Step 2

Trigger: Appointment Survey Conducted

5. Create task

Create a new task

Task Description: for example "Schedule appointment"

Triggered by Status: Name from Step 2

Triggered: 0
Editing Permission: For example "Tasks of the HR department role (Standard)"

6. Create applicant status transition

Create a new status transition.

Starting Status: Status from Step 1

Follow-up Status: Status from Step 2 

7. Enable status selection from other statuses

Select a status from the list of application statuses from which you want to switch to the status from Step 1. 

Starting Status: The status you clicked on. 

Follow-up Status: The status from Step 1

8. Create questionnaire

Create a new questionnaire.

Display Name: For example: Appointment Survey

Type: Appointment Survey 

Application Portal: often taken from your website.

In the "Form and Confirmation Page" tab, adjust the text if necessary to show a customized message before and after the appointment survey is completed.  

9. Create correspondence template for appointment survey

Create a new correspondence template, with which you can send the questionnaire for the appointment survey.
The placeholder for the appointment survey link {APPOINTMENT_SURVEY:LINK} must be included. 

Organizational Unit: same as for the questionnaire

Name: Appointment Survey

Available in: Status Change

Status: Status from Step 1

Subject: For example: We would like to get to know you!

Content: For example: 


Your application impressed us, and we would like to get to know you! We would be happy to invite you to a personal interview at our office. The exact address can be found in the description in the attachment. 

To find a suitable appointment, please participate in the appointment survey: {APPOINTMENT_SURVEY:LINK}

We have scheduled {APPOINTMENT_SURVEY:DURATION} for our conversation, during which we would like to learn more about your professional background and your motivation for applying. {APPOINTMENT_SURVEY:PARTICIPANTS} will participate in the meeting.

We look forward to an interesting conversation with you and are happy to answer any questions you may have!

Best regards


The meeting participants will receive an email with a link to the appointment survey. Through this link, they provide their feedback.
If you then switch to an application status that has the status change functionality Confirm Appointment, a Appointment Proposal field will appear. In this field, you can see the availability of all participants in the appointment survey and choose the best appointment.