People whose applications were entered manually have not yet agreed to the processing of their data in your d.vinci. However, this may be legally required.

You can map this with a subsequent data protection query. 

Proceed as follows:

1. Create status

  1. Open the page Application statuses.
  2. Click on + Application status. An input form is displayed.
  3. Fill in the input form.
    Display name: Enter a name that is as descriptive as possible. For example: New (without data protection consent).
    Icon: We recommend a dark grey figure if this has not yet been assigned
  4. Click on  Create.

Create another status. 

  1. Open the page Application statuses.
  2. Click on + Application status. An input form is displayed.
  3. Fill in the input form.
    Display name: Enter a name that is as descriptive as possible. For example: New (waiting for data protection consent)
    Icon: We recommend a grey figure with a question mark if it has not yet been assigned
  4. Delete after: If required, automatic deletion can be set up, minimum 14 days.
  5. Click on  Create.

2. Change workflow

  1. Open the page Workflows.
  2. Click on the workflow that should have a new first status for manually registered applications. The page with the details is displayed.
  3. Click on the Edit icon . The Workflow input form is displayed.
  4. Fill in the input form.
    Initial status for user submitted applications without consent to privacy policy: The previously created new status.

3. Create questionnaire

  1. Open the page Questionnaires.
  2. Click on + Questionnaires. An input form is displayed.
    Fill in the input form.
    Display name: Enter a name that is as clear as possible. For example: Data protection consent queries.
    Organizational unit: Preferably the top one, so that this query is available to you for every application.
    Type: Questionnaire to send
    Application portal: The application portal on which most of your job openings are posted should be selected.
  3. Click on Create to save the entries.
  4. Click on the tab Form. The Questionnaire page with the details of the form is displayed.
    Click on the icon  next to Application form. Now hide all fields,except for Consent to data protection. For this field, set "Mandatory: Consent required".
  5. Click on Update. You will be taken back to the previous view.

    Scroll all the way down. Here you can enter the privacy policy, which must be agreed to.

  6. Click on  Create.

4. Create correspondence template

  1. Open the page Correspondence templates
  2. Click on + Correspondence templates. An input form is displayed.
  3. Fill in the input form.
    Organizational unit: Global or alternatively the top one so that you can reach the correspondence from anywhere.
    Name: For example: Data protection enquiry after manual entry
    Available at: Automated status change
    Template Layout: Select an appropriate template layout
    Questionnaire: Select the questionnaire you have just created here
    Subject: Enter a subject of your choice
    Body: Enter a text of your choice. If you have set up automatic deletion, you can indicate this in the content. It is important that the placeholder Questionnaire - URL or {QUESTIONNAIRE:URL} must be inserted so that the questionnaire you created previously is sent. 
  4. Click on  Create

5. Create status transition

If a manual status change is required, the status transitions must be created. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the following help article: Change or delete status transition.

6. Automated status change

Two automated status transitions are required for the data protection query:

  1. Open the page Automated status changes.
  2. Click on + Automated status change. An input form is displayed.
    Fill in the input form.
    Name: Data protection query after manual entry
    Initial status: New (without data protection consent)
    Target status: New (waiting for data protection consent)
    Trigger: Last status change
    Time delay (calendar days): 0
  3. Click on  Create. The page with details of the first status change created is displayed.
  4. Open the Automated status changes page again.
  5. Click on + Automated status change. A new input form is displayed.
    Fill in the form.
    Name: Data protection request accepted
    Initial status: New (without data protection consent)
    Target status: New
    Trigger: Questionnaire was filled out
  6. Click on  Create. The page with details of the second status change created is displayed.

Now, after an application has been entered manually, the correspondence including the questionnaire for the data protection enquiry is sent out automatically.

7. Create task definition

  1. Open the page Task definitions
  2. Click on Task definition. An input form is displayed.
  3. Fill in the input form.
    Task description: Check data protection consent
    Initiated by status: Previously created status "New (waiting for data protection consent)"
    Initiated (Number of Work Days after Status Change): The number after how many days of non-response the application should be checked
    Permission to edit: Permission from the person who is to check the application. 
  4. Click on  Create