Job Publications

Create job publication
Together with the job openings, the layout and the job advertisement template, the Job publication forms the framework for the job advertisement visible to ...
Displaying job ads via Iframe
We recommend that you do not embed your job ads via iframe. In some browsers this will not work, because the sessions cannot be passed or handled cleanly. ...
Preview Job Advertisement or Create PDF
TABLE OF CONTENTS View job ad as preview View job ad as PDF View job ad as preview For an existing publication the resulting job advert can be previe...
Edit or delete Job Publication
Required Rights   Edit or delete Job Publication (of job openings) Edit Proceed as follows: Open the job publication you want to edit. The Job P...
Start release process
The release process enables a user to have the publication checked and, if necessary, corrected by another user.  Required Rights Job Openings | view...
Link company logo to a website
In your job advertisements, your company logo will appear if it has been included in the layout. If an applicant clicks on it, he or she will be taken by de...
Send Job Advertisements
You can send job advertisements via email, e.g. to production sites for internal display, or to commissioned agencies. The sent e-mail text contains all con...
Activate Job Publication
To display a advertisement as a job posting on your home page or a job portal, you need to add a create the job opening, the status of the job publication  ...
Multiposting: Configuration
Our multiposting allows you to place and manage your job advertisements directly from your d.vinci on job portals - from draft to invoice. In addition, the ...
Receive information about expiring publications
You can have yourself or your colleagues notified of expiring publications by scheduling the publication via the calendar sheet next to ON/OFF in the public...