Explanation of terms

Portalartikel inform your Onboardees about everything to know about your company and the new job. Successful, informative, interesting and well-written portal articles are an important motivation for onboardees to enter the employee portal

Portal articles are information articles that are published in the employee portal and enable onboardees to experience an organisationally, professionally and culturally inviting and high-quality onboarding. 



In the menu on the page Portal article you can create a new portal article via + Create .

See Create portal article.


Behaviour in the system

  • Purpose

    You use portal articles to inform your onboardees about everything they need to know about the company and their new job.

  • Note on Configuration

    • Name
      The name is only visible to you internally. This distinguishes it from the title (below).
      You can therefore fill it with internal information such as the company, department, specialist area, etc. if required. Onboardees will not see it. However, the label will help you to select the right item in the task or task template.
      The name of the item can be: "company description". As a user, you can recognise what it is at a glance. For onboardees, however, this is very useful. Therefore, the title of the article visible to the onboardee can be: "Get to know us! That feels more lively and approachable.

    • Organizational unit
      The article can only be selected in the organizational unit and those below it. In a portal article for the Hamburg location, you may want to address your onboarding users with "Moin Moin", in the Munich location with "Servus". You can do this by writing a corresponding portal article for the respective organisational unit.
    • Permanently visible
      This article is always visible in the employee portal. If Yes is selected, the article is immediately visible in all employee portals of the selected and underlying organisational unit after saving. It is not only displayed when a task is scheduled for it.
      In the overview of portal articles, you will be made aware of such articles via a badge.
      Together with the organisational unit, you will know directly all the articles that are always displayed in the employee portal of the organisational unit.
    • Title
      This is the headline in the article itself, which onboarders can read.
    • Content
      This is the actual article that onboardees can read. You have several formatting options at your disposal. You can also use bullet points, images and videos or hyphens to make the information more appealing. Please always note: take texts from Word templates
      Tips on content
      Onboardees are probably initially interested and motivated to enter the employee portal and find out about their future workplace. Think of your onboardees as inquisitive readers. Be creative and think about how you can best address your onboardees and arouse their interest. There are no limits to the content. We recommend information from all areas of onboarding. This includes organisational and factual/technical information as well as information that is important for social and cultural onboarding.
      A few examples
      • Informs onboardees about the current status of onboarding and important developments in the company.
      • Upload site plans or pictures of your company site.
      • Provides information about the canteen or catering options for the lunch break.
        Is there a canteen and if so, how is it equipped? Is there a café nearby? Is there a post office, bank or similar facilities in the neighbourhood that may be of interest to onboardees?
      • Describe the working environment and working conditions. Is there a dress code? Is the working environment rather quiet or rather busy? Is there a lounge area?
      • Writes personal impressions of the department, superiors and colleagues. Perhaps they would be interested in introducing themselves to the onboardees in words and pictures?
      • Tell us about the working atmosphere. Are employees on first-name terms with each other and their superiors? Are there after-work events?
    • Language
      Please make sure that you also create the articles in the languages that your onboardees speak, if this is not always German.
    • Article picture

      After creating an article, the article image can be added. We recommend the dimensions 960 pixels wide, 540 pixels high. The image size must not exceed 250 KB. If you offer employee portals in different languages, it is important that the image does not contain any text, as there is only one image for all language variants of the article. 

    • Attachments

      After creating a portal article, an attachment can be added to the portal article in the tab Attachments via + Attachment. This is displayed at the end of the article and can be viewed or downloaded by onboardees in the browser, depending on the browser settings. 

  • Display portal articles in the employee portal
    The creation of the portal article alone is not enough if it is not set as permanently visible.
    In other cases, a task or task template  must be created, which is linked to the portal article. The portal article becomes visible in the employee portal when the task has been marked as completed or has been set to "complete automatically" in the task.
  • Sorting/order of display in the employee portal
    In the overview of the portal articles you will see two horizontal lines || these show you that you can change the order of the articles by drag and drop. In the employee portal, the articles are displayed in the  overview according to their order. So the first article is the one at the top of the list.
  • Welcoming Articles
    Every portal article can be selected as a welcoming article in the employee portal configurations. These will always be displayed at the bottom of the employee portal in the Discoversection.


    Welcoming articles should not be set as permanently visible when created.

    Explanation incl. example
    If you have selected different portal articles as welcoming articles for three portals in the employee portal configurations, all onboardees will always see all three welcoming articles.
  • Renaming/changing the content

    Portal articles can be renamed at any time. The new title and the new content will become active immediately.

    Onboardees are logged out once and must log in again for the new information to be actively visible to them.

  • Deletion

    Portal articles can be deleted at any time and then disappear immediately from the view for onboardees. If onboardees are logged in at the time of the change, they are logged out and must log in again for the change to be visible.

How our customers use this

Many of our customers offer a wide range of information for each type of recruitment (new hire, return to work, etc.), different articles and also different content for the different target groups (trainees, professionals, senior positions, etc.) and control the display in the employee portal via the tasks/task templates.