Explanation of terms

The employee portal is a welcome and information pointfor onboardees.

In the pre-boarding phase up to the first day of work, onboardees should ideally already establish a personal relationship with you as their new employer, their future team colleagues and their future workplace.

With the employee portal you are able to constantly share information via the employee portal, which will allow a deep insight into the professional, social and cultural side of your company. On their first day at work, onboardees will feel very welcome and, ideally, as if they have always been part of the company.

On 14 May 2024, we updated your employee portal to the new, redesigned version.
Please follow this checklist to transfer the settings of the previously used employee portals to the new ones.
Checklist: Switching to the new employee portal

Advantages of the employee portal

Your onboardees are productive faster
Onboardees are kept well informed and have a good overview of their tasks in the onboarding process. This means they are ready to go sooner, have a clear head for work and become productive more quickly.

Your existing employees will be relieved of their workload sooner

The new employee portal picks up your onboardees early on and conveys appreciation and a sense of belonging. Early integration also means early productivity and therefore a rapid reduction in the workload of colleagues.

You create potential for more employee referrals

The new employee portal is a great signpost. Your onboardees will love it and recommend you to others - keyword employer branding.

You have a real competitive advantage

How often have you heard the question about induction/onboarding in job interviews? You can present a great onboarding portal, which automatically puts you in pole position for this question.

Values that the employee portal communicates


An individual portal for every onboardee with a personalised approach, transparent content and clear contact persons conveys appreciation from day 1 - it's great that you're there!


A new chapter begins for the Onboardees with many question marks in their heads. A clear task list with a progress indicator and a playful countdown that provides all the information for the first day of work give the Onboardees a sense of security. Uncertainty is replaced by anticipation.


What characterises you? Who can I contact? With modern articles on values and customs, for example, and transparent contact channels, you pick up your onboardees and convey a sense of belonging.

Fun and ease

The employee portal has a modern design and is fun for onboardees thanks to animations, ease of use and little gimmicks. It activates them to actively shape and advance their onboarding.


On the page Portal settings, a new employee portal can be created via + Create. Colours and co. are controlled here. See Create employee portal / configure portal settings
Content is controlled via portal articles or portal tasks. See Create portal article or Create portal task
In addition, information from onboarding is also entered into the employee portal. See Employee portal: Settings in onboarding

Behaviour in the system

  • This is what the employee portal is made up of
    The external representation of the employee portal is made up of various elements. The portal settings provide the framework with, for example, colours, logo, address and welcome articles. The content is derived from the information in the onboarding, portal articles and portal tasks. Tasks can also trigger correspondence.
  • Individual access
    Each Onboardee receives their own access to the employee portal. Portal articles and portal tasks can be used to display customised content for this one onboarding.
  • Feedback from onboardees

    Onboardees can give you feedback on onboarding directly from the employee portal. They are asked the question "How do you like your onboarding?" in their profile or in the section Discover above the welcoming article. You can rate it with thumbs up and thumbs down as well as a comment.

    You can view the feedback as soon as three feedbacks have been submitted. This can be found in the tab Analytics on the page Employee Portal Configurations.

    Theoretically, onboardees can submit feedback multiple times using this option. 

  • Security
    The employee portal is access-protected with a user name and password.
  • App for the Onboardees
    Onboardees can install the employee portal as an app on their mobile phone. This means it is always just a tap away.
  • Address
    You can specify in the portal settings whether onboardees are addressed as "du" or "sie" in German.
  • Language in the employee portal
    The language of the employee portal is based on the language of the onboarding. To change the language of the employee portal, change the language in Onboarding in the tab Data.
    • When sending messages, correspondence templates in the onboarding language are the first choice. If there is no correspondence template for the language, you can still select correspondence templates in other languages.
    • Portal articles and portal tasks without a translation for the selected language will not be displayed in the employee portal.
  • First Working Day - details
    If the contractually stipulated first working day falls on a public holiday, for example, you can display a different date as the first day for onboardees in the employee portal.
    To do this, go to Onboarding, open the Employee portal  tab and edit the  First working day section. For example, Date, Time, Location and a Hint  can be added here.  
  • File upload
    If this has been activated in the portal settings , onboardees can upload documents and images in permitted formats directly to their onboarding via the employee portal. They can do so in the section Tasks via the HR MAILBOX.
  • Invite task template to the employee portal
    In the task packages you can create a corresponding task via the button + Task template: Invite to employee portal, which automatically sends an email to the onboardee.
  • View of the employee portal from the onboardee's perspective

    You can use the button  Preview in the tab Employee Portal  in the Onboarding to see what the employee portal looks like for this onboardee. More on this in the main article Onboarding.

  • Content of the employee portal visible to onboardees
    The menu items such as Discover, Tasks, Documents etc. are transparently highlighted in the color that was specified as the control element color in the employee portal configuration.
    • Discover section
      • First working day details
        Countdown to the first working day, date of the first working day, start time, place of work and notes
      • News
        Portal article incl. Welcome article
        The welcome article is selected in the employee portal and displayed in full in the employee portal the first time it is called up. We recommend that you use it to tell your onboardees what they can expect in the portal and to create a good foundation for a strong bond.
        If the welcome article is set as permanently visible, it will appear further down in the articles, otherwise it will remain the first article.
        You do not need to select a welcome article.
        The publication date is always displayed below the articles. New articles appear above the previous articles.
      • Separator

        Onboardees can easily see which articles have been added since their last visit to the employee portal. A separator with the text You are up to date - You have read all new posts since your last login. is displayed in front of the articles that were already published when the Onboardee last logged in.

    • Tasks section
      • Menu item tasks
        This shows the onboardees how far they are in completing the task.
      • Progress counter for tasks still to be completed
        Just like the menu item, this shows the progress of the tasks, only in a little more detail.
      • Complete your data / Complete your data
        Portal tasks / Forms + form fields
        After completing a task, the onboardees receive positive feedback, which changes the progress counter and encourages them to complete all tasks on time.
      • HR MAILBOX
        Documents can be uploaded here if this option has been activated in the portal settings.
    • Documents section
      • List of Documents
        This lists documents that were already send. The Onboardee can view/downlod them by clicking at the button  .
      • HR MAILBOX
        Documents can be uploaded here if this option has been activated in the portal settings.
    • Contact section
      The contact person for questions about onboarding is listed here. This is defined in onboarding.
    • Your profile
      In this area, onboardees see their first and last name, can download the employee portal as an app or log out/log off.
    • Log out
      If onboardees click on the Log out button, they are logged out and redirected to the login page where they have to enter their user name and password.
  • Data from onboarding that goes into the employee portal
    See: Employee portal: Settings in onboarding
  • Forgot password / reset portal access
    See: Reset portal access

How our customers use this

All customers have an employee portal that corresponds to their corporate design. However, the content of the employee portal differs greatly depending on the onboarding workflow that is being produced.