In d.vinci, media refers to image files that can be displayed in job advertisements, for example.

Service Designing job ad layout and job list

You want to change the design of your job ads? We can help you revise and improve your job ad, job list, application form and/or thank you page


Permitted rights  

  • Create media

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the page Media.

  2. Click on + Create. An input form is displayed.
  3. Fill the input form.
    Note on Configuration in the main article: Media/Pictures
    • Display name
    • Alternative Text (Accessibility)
    • Type
    • Organizational unit
    • File

  4. Click on   Create to save the input. The page Media is displayed. This page contains an overview of all the details of the medium that has just been created.
    Back up   Create and Create Another. The medium is saved and a blank entry form for creating another medium is displayed.