You can change or delete created status transitions.

Required rights   

  • Edit workflows

A) Change

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the page Permissions
  2. Open the status transition you want to change. The Permission page is displayed.
  3. Click on the Status transitions tab. The Permission page with the Status Transitions tab open is displayed.
    Here you can add further target statuses to an existing status transition and set shortcuts
  4. Click on  Update, to save the changes. The Permission page with the details of the status transition is displayed.

B) Delete: In the permissions overview

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the page Permissions.
  2. Click on the  icon behind the title of the permission you want to delete. The Delete permission window appears in the foreground with a question asking if you are really sure.
  3. Click on   Delete. The Permissions page is displayed with a note on the result of the deletion.


    Deleted items cannot be restored or viewed again. They are irrevocably deleted.

C) Delete: In the status transition

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the status transition you wish to change. The Permission page with the details of the status transition is displayed.
  2. Click on the  icon. A drop-down menu is displayed. 
  3. Click on  Delete. The Delete permission window appears in the foreground with a question asking if you are really sure.
  4. Click on  Delete. The Permissions page is displayed with a note on the result of the deletion.


    Deleted items cannot be restored or viewed again. They are irrevocably deleted.