Sometimes a font style or font size mismatch may occur your the job advertisement or in your correspondence. This is most often caused by copy-pasting texts from Microsoft Word.

Find out how you can insert texts without any errors by reading the following article: Copy texts from Word templates

Follow these instructions to check if it is such a case:

  1. Open your correspondence template, job posting template, or your job publication that displays the text in a weird manner.
    One example from a job advertisement:
  2. In the editor, click the Source button:
    Should you see expressions similar to those in the image below, the Word formatting has most probably been carried over to d.vinci:
  3. Click the Source button again to switch back to the normal more.
  4. Highlight parts of the text that contain the invisible formatting and click the Tx button to remove the false formatting.
  5. The view is now visible without formatting and your text can be formatted via buttons in the editor.
  6. Feel free to check this once more by switching to the source code. It should look similar to this:

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