It is possible to couple the XML interface of the Federal Employment Agency with the interface of your d.vinci system. However, your development department would have to build a connector for this. We cannot provide this connector for technical reasons.

If you want to request this from your IT, they need the following information about our interface: Interfaces (API)

There are two other ways to place job advertisements with the Federal Employment Agency

Via the Multiposting

  • In the free variant
    The job is not supervised by an employee of the Federal Employment Agency. The job is simply listed on the job board. Interested parties will be redirected to your job advertisement when they click on a link in the advertisement.
  • In a paid variant
    A one-time set-up fee and a monthly fee will be charged. This depends on the number of employees you have.
    If you are interested, contact us with the number of employees and we will tell you how much this would cost.

Via E-Mail to our contact at the Federal Employment Agency

You know the e-mail address of your contact person at the Federal Employment Agency and he/she agrees to receive e-mails with job advertisements, which he/she will then place and manage for you at the Federal Employment Agency (placement proposals)? 

Then you can easily create a publication channel where you enter the email address of the contact person. Then create a new application portal, which you link to the new publication channel.
Once you have done this, you can simply set the new channel to ON in the job publication and then click on Send job advertisement. The employee of the Federal Employment Agency will now receive an email with all the information.


The procedure becomes difficult if you want to advertise at several locations. Then you will also need different supervisors' e-mail addresses and thus different publication channels and application portals.

Note on permitted content at the Federal Employment Agency

The Federal Employment Agency has strict guidelines on what ad content is allowed.

Many ads violate one or more of these guidelines and are then blocked directly by the job board. They do not go online at all and remain in the status "in progress" or are directly deactivated.

You can avoid this by checking your job advertisement for these points: 

  • Violation of the General Equality Act
    These violations are very diverse, you can find more information directly at the Federal Employment Agency (Information in German).
    The most common violations are age discrimination (e.g. young team) and discrimination by origin (mother tongue as a catchword etc.)
  • Duplicates
    The Federal Employment Agency blocks duplicates; identical advertisements which are booked for different locations are also counted as duplicates. As soon as approx. 90% of the ad is identical to an ad that has already been placed, the placement is blocked.
  • Imprint
    If your imprint is incorrect or non-existent, even the account as a whole may be blocked. Please pay special attention to correct and complete information.
  • Invective
    Any kind of strong language, swear words, insults will be blocked by the Federal Employment Agency, even if it is meant to be funny or playful.