- Attachments in the Application
- Attachments in Correspondence
- Attachments in Job Openings
- Attachments in Hiring Requests
Attachments can be viewed by all users who have access to the Attachments and/or History tabs in the application.
Visibility can be restricted using confidential attachments.
Attachments in the Application
Attachments can be added to an application in several ways:
When creating an application from the mailbox
Follow these steps:
- Open an application with an attachment in the mailbox.
- Create the application.
- The attachments are automatically transferred to the application and can be accessed via the tab Attachments.
By sending an email to the attachment email address
Follow these steps:
- Open the application.
- Go to the tab Attachments.
- Click on + Attachment. A yellow box will display an email address (e.g., doc-....@...), which you can use to send documents directly to the system. The attachments will then appear automatically in the application.
Uploading directly to the application
Follow these steps:
- Open the application.
- Go to the tab Attachments.
- Click on + Attachment and upload the file.
Attachments in Correspondence
An attachment can be added to correspondence, such as a route description or an assignment for the applicant.
In the correspondence template
After creating a correspondence template, an attachment can be added to it.
See: Add an attachment to a correspondence template
When changing status
An attachment can be added when changing an applicant’s status and sending an email. If an attachment from the correspondence template is already present, it can be replaced or supplemented.
Attachments that were added manually before sending an email cannot be accessed later. The history will only display the name of the attachment, but the file itself cannot be viewed.
Follow these steps:
- Open the application for which you want to change the status.
- Select a new status with email dispatch.
- Choose the correspondence template.
- Click + Attachment to add a new attachment. If an attachment is already present, you can open it by clicking on its title. If modifications are needed, remove the existing attachment and upload a new one either manually or via the correspondence template.
Attachments in Job Openings
Attachments can also be added to a job openings, such as approvals or additional documents like notes or contracts.
Follow these steps:
- Open the desired job posting.
- Go to the tab Attachments.
- Click on + Attachment and upload the file.
Attachments in Hiring Requests
Attachments can be added to a hiring request, such as job descriptions or previous job postings.
Follow these steps:
- Open a hiring request with the status In Progress.
- Go to the tab Attachments.
- Click on + Attachment and upload the file.