Attraction & Employer Brand

Your new d.vinci Layout
Your job ads and job list – now more modern, authentic, and aligned with your corporate identity! We design your layout to be search engine and mobile opti...
Request Google Maps map view for job list
It is possible to show a filter above the display of your job list/the widget, which can be used to display your job advertisements on a Google Maps map. Th...
Change of domain/system URL
TABLE OF CONTENTS You have two domain change options to choose from Our service Checklist - You must observe this after the changeover Your d.vinci h...
Career website: Key to your Talents!
Conceptually well thought-out, content-based, target group-oriented and, above all, authentic – that's how your career website should be designed in ord...
Get started with: Activate your redesign (layout of job list & job advertisements)
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Create benefits 2. Create new panorama images  3. Create a backup copy + optional: create further job advertisement templates  4. ...