Automated status changes automatically change the status of the applicant from one to another after an event in the system determined by you. Depending on the configuration, this can also take place after a defined period of time. 


When the system is delivered, we already provide you with two automated status changes. 

  • Appointment survey finished
  • Time exceeded line management

Required rights   

  • Edit workflows

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the page Automated Status Change. 
  2. Click on the button  Automated Status Change. The input form of the same name is displayed.
  3. Fill in the input form.
    Elements of the input form:
    Mandatory fields marked with *, optional fields without marking
    • Name*
    • Initial status*: Is the status from which to automatically change to another status. 
    • Target status*: Is the status that should be the result

    • Trigger: Specify the system event that should trigger the change.
  4. Click on the button  Create to save the entry.


A department is to be reminded to process an application after a certain period of time. 

The automated status change "Line management reminder" is set as follows:
Name: Feedback Line Management

Initial status: Feedback Line Management
Target status: Feedback Line Management

Trigger: Last status change

Time delay (calendar days): 7 


  • In the above example, it is even particularly clever to set up a task definition in addition to the automated status change. This can remind you in the daily email notification and a task will appear.
    • A Task is created, which is triggered when the status is changed to "Feedback Department".

      7 days after the applicant has been made available to the department, after being switched to "Feedback Department" status, the status will be changed again to "Feedback Department". This triggers another task.

  • If the Automated Status Change has been created, you can insert a correspondence template which is automatically sent to the applicant by e-mail in the area automated e-mail sending.
    If you want to mention a contact person, placeholders of the Responsible User of Job Opening (e.g. title and surname) must be entered.
    The correspondence is sent by the system. Accordingly placeholders with the Loged in User have no function and would remain empty when the e-mail is sent.
  • Watch out for a status transition from the follow-up status to another status in your workflow is created. Otherwise, you may put the applicant in a status where the editors cannot move him/her to another status.