
There are many points in the system, at which you can store texts to be displayed outside of d.vinci. If it is a job advertisement or a job posting, the formatting of these texts are determined by the layout.

For example, if it is a text in the description of a company, a format template or a correspondence template, the editor as a button does not provide you with any option to change the font color. However, you are able to achieve this in the source code.

Adjust font size

There are two ways to change the font size in texts visible to applicants. One example would be a text in a job advertisement template or in the signature.

A) By use of the editor

The Format   button specifies different font sizes that can be used for the text. These were previously created from the base font size specified in your layout. 

  • Normal
  • Heading 1
  • Heading 2
  • Heading 3
  • Heading 4
  • Heading 5
  • Formatted
  • Normal (DIV)
  • Small

B) Adjusting the HTML code in the editor source code 

It is necessary to know the desired font size. Otherwise you are free to try out and see what works best for you.

Code for the font size adjustment: <p style=" font-size: 9px;">text</p>

Adjust font color

Font color cannot be adjusted through the editor. You need to edit the source code.

Before you make an adjustment, it is necessary to know the desired font color. Colors are output in hexadecimal format, with a hashtag (#) in front of the value. For example, #0088ff. The color is determined by the value after the hashtag (#). Your corporate design guide or corporate branding manual will surely list your company colors.

Otherwise, there are several hexadecimal calculators on the internet that can create hex values from RGB color codes.


The adjustments made in the source code, for example, in the job advertisement template, only affect the content of the job advertisement template. The contents of the job advertisement that are pulled from the job publication are not adjusted in font size. It is therefore recommended to only do this for areas such as additional information, as the font appearance becomes otherwise very chaotic and inconsistent.

Proceed as follows:

  1. In the editor, click the Source button.

  2. Type (for example):
    <p style="color:#0088ff;"> Your text which should have its color adjusted.<br/>
    This text follows immediately below the first one and is also of blue color. </p>

The result looks like this:
Your text the color of which should be adjusted.

This text follows immediately below the first one and is also of blue color.

In case the spaces become too large, you can format your text differently:

<p>We would like to inform you that from<br/>
<span style="color:#0088ff;">Here follows the text that should have its color adjusted<br/>
This text is directly below the other and is also of blue color</span></p>

Links get information about their appearance from the value after "style".

<a href="" style="color:#B8312F;"></a>
How it will look:

Brief summary

Font size OR font color

Font size: <p style=" font-size: 9px;">text</p>
Font color: <p style="color: #000000;">text</p>

Font size and color

<p style=" font-size: 9px; color: #26e733;">text</p>


<a href="" style="color: #B8312F;"></a>
How it will look:

Allowed HTML elements

a, b, blockquote, br, caption, cite, code, col, colgroup, dd, div, dl, dt, em, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, li, ol, p, pre, q, small, span, strike, strong, style, sub, sup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr, u, ul