- 1. Create a Job Publication Channel
- 2. Create an Application Portal
- 3. Configure Field Schema for Job Openings
- 4. Create an Employee Referral Source
- 5. Set a Tracking Status
- 6. Information for the ERP Contact Person
- For Using Radancy
Employee referral programs (ERP) are programs where existing employees of a company refer potential candidates for open positions and receive a bonus if the referred candidate is hired and stays with the company for a certain period of time.
You have the option to connect various providers, some of which are already known to us and partners of d.vinci.
Our partners
You can find out more about our employee referral partners here on our website.
Radancy used to be called Firstbird and Clever Connect used to be Called Talentry. You might have already configured this feature with another name.
Required Permissions:
- Application Portals | view/ edit/ create/ delete
- Field Schemas | configure
- Workflows | view/ edit/ create/ delete
- Master Data | view/ edit/ create
Proceed with the configuration as follows:
1. Create a Job Publication Channel
- Create a new job publication channel.
- Fill in the input field in the following manner, for example:
- Display Name: Name of the ERP
- Organizational Units: Select organizational units in which you want the channel to be selectable. By entering the global organizational unit, the channel will be selectable for all job publications in the system.
- Default Value: On - in case you want the channel to be activated directly for new job publications.
- Notification for Expiring Job Advertisement Placement: Off
2. Create an Application Portal
- Create a new application portal.
- Fill in the input field in the following manner:
- Name: ERP (or the name of the ERP)
- URL Path: ERP (or the name of the ERP)
- Organizational Unit: Global (may be called something else)
- Job Publication Channel: the one you just created
- Layout: Default (may be named differently in your system)
- Enable Job Advertisement: Yes
- Fixed Job Advertisement Template: No
- Job Advertisement Template: Default (may be named differently in your system)
- Fixed Application Questionnaire: No
- Application Questionnaire: Standard (may be named differently in your system)
- Application Import: Secured with Tracking Status
- Application Import Username: Name of the ERP
- Application Import Password: Define your password
- Indexing for Search Engines Enabled: No
- Special Characteristic: REF: Employee Referral
3. Configure Field Schema for Job Openings
In case you are setting up a connection to Radancy, skip this section and continue with 3a and 3b in the bottom part of this page.
- Open the Job Openings page.
- Click Job Opening.
- Click the button on the right side of the page.
- Set the Reward field to optional.
- Click Save.
4. Create an Employee Referral Source
- Open the Master Data page.
- Click Sources.
- If the Employee Referral Source does not exist yet:
- Click Source.
- Assign the values as follows, for example:
- Display Name: Employee Referral
- Organizational Unit: Global (may be named differently in your system)
- Click Create.
5. Set a Tracking Status
- Open the Application Statuses page.
- Click the status Rejected.
- Click the icon to edit it.
- At the very bottom of the page, click the . icon to expand the Additional Information for External Systems.
- Fill in the input form:
Tracking Status: REJECTED - Click Update.
- Add the Tracking Status REJECTED to the other statuses for rejections (e. g. Self Rejection) following the same procedure.
- Add the Tracking Status EMPLOYED following the same procedure to all statuses for employments (e. g. employed).
6. Information for the ERP Contact Person
Providers of ERP require different information in order to set up the connection. Please look for the following and forward it to your contact person(s).
- URL of the Application Portal interface
- Open the Application Portals page.
- Open the Application Portal ERP.
- In the Interface section, right-click the JSON label and click Copy Link.
- Paste the link into your email to your ERP contant person(s).
- Access data to the interface
- Open the Application Portal page.
- Open the Application Portal ERP.
- In the Properties section, click the edit icon.
- Copy the value of the Interface username field.
- Copy the value of the Interface Password field.
- Paste both values into your email to your ERP contant person(s).
- Internal Name of the Source
- Open the Master Data page.
- Click Sources.
- Open the Employee Referral Program source.
- In Additional Information for External Systems, click the icon.
- Copy the value of the Internal Name field.
- Paste the value into your email to your ERP contant person(s).
- Communicating the Tracking Status
Inform your contact person(s) that they will receive the tracking status REJECTED and EMPLOYED in case of relevant statuses.
For Using Radancy
Execute steps 1-2 in the previous section first.
3a. Activate the reward
- Open the Form Fields page
- Click on the button Form Field. The input form of the same name will be displayed.
- Fill in the input form:
- Field: Reward
- Element: Job Opening
- Type: Value List (Single Choice)
- Transfer via API: Yes
- Click the Create button. The page with properties of the form field is displayed.
- Switch to the Answers tab.
- Click Answer.
- Create the desired Rewards (e. g. 1000 €, 2000 € etc.) one by one.
The "Reward" Form Field is now available in the Job Openings.
3b. Activate the branding
- Open the Form Fields page.
- Click the button Form Field. The input form of the same name is displayed.
- Fill in the input form:
- Field: Branding
- Element: Job Opening
- Type: Value List (Single Choice)
- Transfer via API: Yes
- Click the button Create. The page with properties of the form field is displayed.
- Switch to the Answers tab.
- Click Answer.
- Create the brandings you use for your Employee Referral Program one by one.
The Branding form field is now available in the Job Openings.
Continue with point 4 in the section above.