Open the page Job Advertisement Templates. A list with job advertisement templates is displayed.
Service ReDesign of Job Advertisement Layout and Job List
Would you like to change the design of your job advertisements? We can help you revise and improve your job advertisement, job list, application form and/or your thank-you-page.
The following features are available on this page:
- Icon at the right edge of the page opens the application basket for mass processing
- Button Job Advertisement Template creates a new template
In the rows of the job advertisement templates list, you can see the following:
- Display Name
- Organizational Unit
- Icon - clicking it will display the details of the job advertisement template
Alternatively, you can display the details by clicking the row itself. - Icon - clicking it will delete the job advertisement template
If you click on the words Name or Organizational unit highlighted in blue, you can change the alphabetical sort order of the users.