Definition of Terms

When creating a new user, a valid email address must be provided. An automatically generated password will be sent to this email address. Upon first login, the user will be prompted to create a new password.


See Log in as a User

System behavior

  • Login
    If no automatic login via Single Sign-on is performed, d.vinci users must log in with their username and password.
  • Password Policy
    A new password must meet the following requirements:
    • It must be at least 8 characters long.
    • It must contain at least one number, one letter, and one special character.
    • It must not be the same as the currently valid password.
  • Password Change Interval
    Passwords do not need to be changed regularly, following the recommendations of the BSI.

How our customers use this

Many of our customers use the traditional login method with a username/password and follow our suggested policy. However, some customers require passwords to be up to 16 characters long.

Further articles on this topic