Here you will find various questions about multiposting that we have often been asked and the answers to them.
For the answer, please click on the question.
Service Full service ad placement
From texting, about spelling and General Act on Equal Treatment check to job board consulting or contingent management. We'll assist you with ad placement.
Sections in this document are the following. Please click on them and the article will jump to the relevant section.
How do I know the status of my publication?
Look here: Status of publication.
Which texts are taken over from d.vinci?
If the Liquid Design is maintained, the contents from the Liquid Design are transferred with the headings.
If the Liquid Design is not maintained, the elements from the publication (introduction, tasks, requirements, we offer, closing text) are transferred and fixed headings are placed above them.
Can I select more than one location?
Yes, in principle - but many job markets only allow one main location. However, when configuring your multiposting, you can also specify additional locations via the "Additional job locations" field, which will then be available for selection in the dropdown for the job ads themselves. When creating job locations, please make sure to enter the correct postal code to avoid possible mistakes in the selection.
Why do I have to enter elements again in the "Define target group" step that already exist in d.vinci?
Many job markets only allow certain values for e.g. working hours, etc. We cannot ensure that all our clients always use the same working hours etc. with the same internal name.
What do I enter as keywords?
Here is the guiding question for suitable keywords: For which keywords should the job advertisement be displayed "at the top" in the job market results lists?
How do I enter keywords?
As in your d.vinci: Type in the keyword and press Enter.
Can I edit job openings after they have been published?
There is no direct link between the publication in d.vinci and in multiposting.
This means that as soon as you change the publication in d.vinci, it is not also changed in the multiposting.
Initially, only a "snapshot" of the publication is handed over. If you want to change the texts, we will be happy to initiate this. Alternatively, the job advertisement can also be deactivated and re-published. However, this is usually only advisable for free publications so that no additional costs arise.
How can I use different logos?
The logo is not transferred from d.vinci. If it is uploaded once in the multiposting, it will also be used in the next posting.
If you want to use different logos, the respective logo must be uploaded during the booking process or several multiposting instances must be created for you. Please contact us if you need multiple instances.
There is a special case with StepStone. Here, the logo is always stored on the company profile of your company on StepStone - so it is not drawn per advertisement, but uses the logo stored on StepStone. If you want to change this, please contact StepStone.
How do I post a publication a second time?
In multiposting, there is no option to place an advertisement a second time. For this, the normal publishing process must be run through again.
When will my job advertisement go online?
This varies from job market to job market. A guideline can be seen directly in the job market list. Next to the job market name is a small stopwatch that shows this when you hold the mouse over it.
Who can publish via multiposting?
Anyone who has the permission to post publications (of job openings) can trigger a free or paid posting via multiposting as soon as multiposting has been set up via the wizard.
How do I deactivate an advertisement?
The desired advertisement can be opened via the advertisement manager or the open button in d.vinci.
For each publication, offline placement can be requested via the three points.
How can I view the job advertisement on the job market?
The desired advertisement can be opened via the advertisement manager or the open button in d.vinci. For each publication, the job advertisement can be viewed on the respective job market via the three dots.
Is there an consultancy service for job advertisements when using the d.vinci Multiposting module?
No. A consultancy service for the design and posting, as well as a check of the job advertisements, is only provided if advertisements are booked and placed via our d.vinci media team. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
How do I advertise on behalf of several companies?
If you make a posting that is not to run under company name A, change to the settings once at the top. Change the company name there and continue the posting. The newly stored company name is then used for this posting.
The other company name is then automatically set for the next posting.
We can also create a separate multiposting environment for each organisational unit. The company from the organisational unit would then be listed in each case. If this is desired, please write to us.
Job markets
Which job markets are available?
Please look here. Job markets. (only available in German)
How can missing job markets be integrated into multiposting?
Job markets that are missing from the multiposting can be requested from us. Please contact us by e-mail for this purpose.
Can print advertisements be placed via multiposting?
Only the placement of online advertisements is possible.
Which job market/job advertisement has refreshes?
Whether there is a refresh per job market can be seen in the job market overview. In the case of a refresh, the respective advertisement on the job market is displayed as new 1 or 2 times within the posting period for the applicants.
What are budget job markets?
Examples of budget job markets are Indeed or HeyJobs. Unlike other job markets, you don't pay for a certain period of time. Rather, you buy a budget. For each click on the job advertisement on the job market, part of the budget is deducted. As soon as the budget is used up, the job goes offline.
Which free portals can we use?
- Federal Employment Agency (without placement order and without the use of the Federal Employment Agency's partner job markets)
Please read more about the publication at the Federal Employment Agency.
Can a placement order also be placed via the Federal Employment Agency?
Yes, posting is possible. However, there are set-up costs and a monthly fee. This is calculated according to the number of your employees. If you are interested, please contact us.
More information also here: Job Publications at the Federal Employment Agency
If I place an ad via the Federal Employment Agency, will it also be published on the Federal Employment Agency's partner portals?
The partner portals are not included in the free variant. This is only possible with the paid variant. In this case, all partner portals of the Federal Employment Agency can be used.
More information also here: Job Publications at the Federal Employment Agency
Which images are displayed in the job markets?
The logo and the panorama image from the publication are always transferred to the job portals. However, the portals themselves choose what is used. If, for example, the logo has been inserted as an image and you would like a change, please write to us. We can initiate this.
Job postings on Indeed
All Indeed job ads shown in the multiposting are Indeed Premium products, i.e. particularly prominently displayed job advertisements.
They differ in the budget used. A small budget for easy-to-fill jobs, a slightly larger budget for medium-to-hard-to-fill jobs, one for hard-to-fill jobs, and another for very hard-to-fill jobs. Using this scale, you can estimate your job posting and set your budget.Indeed works with a Cost-Per-Click model. This means that you do not pay for a certain duration of an job ad on the portal, but for the number of clicks received by the advertisement from potential applicants. The booked budget is distributed over the runtime according to an Indeed algorithm.
Thus, the higher the booked budget, the more clicks the ad can generate over the runtime.
Framework contracts
How can I store framework contracts?
In the "Framework Contracts" section, you can store your own framework contracts if they have been concluded through an agency with a specific job board.
Contracts with agencies that are not specific to a single job board cannot be stored in Multiposting.
A fee applies for storing contracts (see the next question). Products with an active framework contract are flagged with a "Framework Contract" button in the job board list. Additionally, individual sales products are overridden to prevent accidental booking at the regular sales price when a framework contract is in place.
What does the framework agreement storage cost?
If you have your own framework contract with a job market or an agency, but do not want to sacrifice the advantages of multiposting (e.g. tracking of click numbers), the framework contract can be integrated into multiposting. The costs are calculated according to the size of your company. Please contact us for more information.
Why is the interface to Indeed free of charge?
If you have your own framework contract/campaign with Indeed, the above-mentioned prices should actually also be charged for these. However, this is not the case. There is neither a setup fee nor monthly costs. If you, as a d.vinci customer, want to buy a framework contract/campaign from Indeed, Indeed will contact our multiposting partner. This means that you can use the interface to Indeed free of charge via multiposting, provided you have bought a campaign there.
What report options exist?
In addition to the multiposting reports, an Excel report with following columns can also be provided if required:
- Booking date
- Company
- Job title
- Cost unit
- Product
- Posting ID
- Posting State
- Pixel Views
- Job/Apply
- URL clicks
Please write to us for this.
How do clicks and views differ in reporting?
Views show how many times the ad was viewed, while clicks count how many times the "Apply" button was clicked. The views are measured with the help of a tracking pixel in the HTML and can therefore only be measured for job markets that feature the HTML. This does not work for products that only display the text (e.g. LinkedIn). The clicks are measured by a tracking link behind the apply button. This is possible with all job markets.Billing
When will the invoice be issued?
For individual bookings, the invoice is sent to you shortly after the booking. It does not come monthly or annually.
If we make an offer in advance for our own interface with a framework agreement, we will invoice you directly after you have accepted the offer.
What are the name and email used for when setting up?
We store the name and the email address in order to be able to tell later who has agreed to the terms of use and when.
What is the company name used for?
The company name is stored in the multiposting. This company name is displayed in the job advertisements on the respective job markets.
Can different company names be used?
When setting up the connection from d.vinci to multiposting, you always specify exactly one company.
This company will be set automatically with every posting.
For each posting, you can also go to the settings at the top of the multiposting and change the company. This company would then apply for this posting, and the standard company again for the next one.
So if you mainly post in the name of one company and occasionally in the name of another, that would be a way of setting the companies.
Another possibility would be to create a separate multiposting environment for certain organisational units in d.vinci, each with one company. Depending on which organisational unit the job opening is in, the user ends up in the corresponding multiposting environment with the respective company. (see "How is the organisational structure mapped in multiposting?"). However, at least one organisational unit must exist for each company. Several organisational units can use the same multiposting environment.
If you do not make this change directly with the installation, but afterwards, there are initially a few negative effects:
- All postings remain in the first multiposting environment, which may now only be accessed by certain organisational units.
- In d.vinci, the status of the respective post is set: For some old posts, these might then no longer work, as the links would then redirect to the new multiposting environments. There, of course, the display does not exist. Existing posts, however, would continue to run normally without negative effects in the first multiposting environment.
Can different portals and thus layouts be used?
Yes, but this cannot be set via the setup wizard. Please contact us if necessary.
How the organisational structure is mapped in multiposting?
By default, a multiposting environment is created per d.vinci system via the setup wizard. If required, however, this can be differentiated for individual organisational units. In this way, several multiposting environments can be used per d.vinci system. If required, please contact us.
See also "Can different company names be used"?
How does multiposting via our Media Team work?
If you want to post via the d.vinci Media Team with advisory services, it makes more sense not to use multiposting and to use the "Ask for price" channels in d.vinci instead.
Data protection
Where can I find information on data protection in multiposting?
You can find these on our homepage or directly in this PDF in German.
Data storage in multiposting
Both the user data required for login and use of the multiposting and the data of the advertisements are retained until we are instructed to delete them. You can also delete job advertisements directly yourself in the multiposting. If you wish to delete the user data of an employee who has left, for example, please inform us. Automatic deletion of job advertisements or user data will only occur if your entire multiposting environment or your d.vinci is deleted.
"Access to d.vinci API not possible, please check entries."
The following causes may trigger this. Please check.- API user name is not correct
- API token is not correct
- The API user does not have the correct role ("Multiposting API")
- The API user is not on the global organisational unit