Explanation of term

Using the Documents  function, you can manage documents required internally for the onboarding process in a central location and make documents/routing sheets/checklists and similar available to each other. This is particularly useful for tasks that require a physical or paper-based component.

A link to documents can be stored in tasks . The documents can be displayed internally and to other people when the task is transferred. Onboardees cannot see them. Attachments in tasks are intended for this purpose.


On the Documents  page, a new document can be created via +Create.

Behaviour in the system

  • Where documents can be viewed
    • Task list of the onboardee

      Documents that are stored via placeholders in tasks or task templates can be called up at any time when opening the task in the onboarding task list.

      For unfinished tasks, the most recently uploaded, most recent file version is called up.

      For completed tasks, the file version that was valid at the time of completion is called up.

    • Email notification

      Email notifications about tasks that are sent as part of the task transfer include a direct link to the document. Email recipients therefore do not need to enter the system or a system page to access the document. This allows them to open the document directly from the email.


      The fact that documents can be opened directly from the message means that they can also end up in the hands of people who are not involved in the process or unauthorised persons, e.g. by forwarding the email.

  • How long you can click the link

    As soon as the task is marked as completed, the link to the document in emails loses its validity. From then on, the document can no longer be accessed via the link in the email. In this case, the link remains invalid even if the task is subsequently reopened.

  • Name
    The name is displayed 1:1 as the link name. This appears in the description of the task in which the document was inserted as a placeholder and in the email for the transferable task.
  • Organisational Unit
    The organisational unit determines the tasks in which a document is available. You can only select the document in tasks in the same organisational unit or below.
  • Placeholder name
    You can use the placeholder to insert the document into tasks or task templates. Enter a placeholder name that indicates the purpose of the document or leave the field empty to have the placeholder name generated automatically.


    Placeholder name: Test document

    Placeholder: Document - test document

  • Changes to the placeholder name
    If the placeholder is stored in tasks, a subsequent change to the placeholder name causes the placeholder stored in the tasks to become invalid. Therefore, choose a sustainable name or - if you need to change the name later - update the placeholder in the tasks/task templates after changing the name.
  • File
    The file is the actual document, which can be opened by clicking on the link.
  • File versions and deletion of file versions
    When a new file is uploaded, it replaces the previous file in terms of unfinished tasks. All files that have been uploaded and not manually deleted can be seen in the File history tab in the document. The top entry in the list is currently valid and is called up by the placeholder for unfinished tasks. File versioning is used to document and track completed tasks. We therefore recommend not deleting any file versions. If the top entry is deleted, the next entry automatically becomes valid.
    Each file upload receives a time stamp. When viewing tasks that have already been completed in the task list of the onboardee, the system uses the timestamp to check which document was valid at the time of completion and displays this document accordingly, and not a more recent one.
    There is a document that is updated monthly: "Canteen menu". There is also a task template for "Provide menu plan" with the aim of providing onboardees with an up-to-date printout of the menu plan. The file has already been updated several times in the document file history, always at the beginning of the month: 01.01.2021, 01.02.2021, 01.03.2021 etc.
    The placeholder "Document - Menu" now outputs different documents in the task: For unfinished tasks, the most recently uploaded, most recent document is output. For completed tasks, the placeholder outputs the document that was valid at the time of completion: Completed on 22/01/2021 outputs the file version from 01/01/2021, etc.
  • Description
    The description is only displayed on the document page itself and is not visible to others or when downloading the document. It is intended to allow you to add an info text, for example when you upload a new version of the document.

How our customers use this

For example, managers need a document from time to time to complete certain tasks. This can be a checklist, a test sheet for safety training, etc., but also documents that require a signature from the onboarding manager. The manager can then download and use the document on the spot.
The function is primarily used by customers who do not exclusively map their processes digitally.