Some time ago, we introduced the new feature job list. With this, you can easily create lists of job postings yourself.

We use new technologies for this. The job lists that we previously created for you no longer meet the latest technology standards. Therefore, your old job lists need to be replaced with new ones.

Why replace the job lists? Benefits of the new job list
  • Autonomy for you: The new version allows you to make adjustments independently. This saves you time and you no longer need to use paid support services to maintain old job lists.
  • Increased security: The new job list uses current technologies, eliminating potential security risks of older versions.
  • More efficient maintenance: The new job list enables us to simplify troubleshooting, allowing us to resolve your support requests more quickly.
  • Future-oriented development: The transition makes it easier for us to implement future updates, keeping your job list up to date at all times.

How to recognize if you are using an outdated job list?

There are two points in the system where you can see if you are using job lists with the old technology.

  • Usage statistics
    In the menu item Job list there is the tab Usage statistics.
    If the status is "outdated", the URL/website needs a new job list.
    Data only appears in the usage statistics after the website has been accessed at least once since July 25, 2024 (release date).
    You will always be informed about outdated code via the application portal (see next point). 
  • Application portals
    If you press the name of an application portal in the menu item Application portals, you will be informed with a notice at the top of the page.

Starting point via usage statistics

You first need a job list. You can see if you have already created a job list for the application portal in step 5.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Job lists page. The page with the same name with the tab Usage statistics will be displayed. 
  2. Look in the column State for the entry Outdated
  3. Press the URL in the row to view the website with the job list - this is for information purposes only so that you can later compare if the new job list largely matches the old design.
    You can also leave this tab open, which makes the comparison easier later.
  4. Return to the previous tab. 
  5. Press the name of the application portal in the column Application portals. The page Application Portal with the tab Data open and the details of the application portal will be displayed. 
  6. Press the tab Start Page. The page Application Portal with the tab Start Page open will be displayed. In the section Job List you will find the following notice:
    The job list used is no longer up-to-date. Please replace it with a new job list. Our help article will guide you through it.
  7. Press the edit icon in the section Job list .
    A) You do not have a job list to select
    You do not have a job list to select or the displayed job list does not match the website it is to be published on: Create a new job list and then store it in this place.
    You can click on Job Lists in the blue navigation bar above and then on the tab Job Lists to be able to press + Create.
    B) You have a job list to select
    Select an already created job list that you want to use on the website behind the URL in the future.
  8. Press Update to save the changes.
  9. Open the page Job Lists. The page with the same name will be displayed.
  10. Press the tab Job Lists. The opened tab will be displayed.
  11. Press the name of the job list you selected earlier. The Job List page with the configuration view for the job list will be displayed. 
  12. Press the </> Embed in Website button. The window with the same name will be displayed in the foreground. 
  13. Press either the button  Copy Job List Code or the button  Send via Email and send an appropriate email to the people who maintain the website where old code was present. 

Sample email to your website service providers 


With the help of this JavaScript code, the job list can be displayed according to the latest security standards in our corporate design:

<script defer src=""></script>

<div class="dvinci-job-widget" />

Best regards,

Starting point via the application portal

In an open application portal, you will be informed by a notice that you need to make changes. You first need a job list. You can see if you have already created one for the application portal in step 5.

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the Application portals  page. The page with the same name will be displayed. 
  2. Press the name of the application portal you want to check. The page Application Portals with the tab Data open and the details of the application portal will be displayed. If you do not have a current job list associated with the application portal, you will see the notice at the top:
    Please follow the instructions below in your homepage configuration.
  3. Press the tab Start Page. The page Application Portal with the tab Start Page open will be displayed. In the Job list section you will find the following notice:
    The job list used is no longer up-to-date. Please replace it with a new job list. Our help article will guide you through it.
  4. Press the edit icon in the section Job List  .
    A) You do not have a job list to select
    You do not have a job list to select or the displayed job list does not match the website it is to be published on: Create a new job list and then store it in this place.
    B) You have a job list to select
    Select an already created job list that you want to use on the website behind the URL in the future.
  5. Press Update to save the changes.
  6. Open the page Job Lists. The page with the same name will be displayed.
  7. Press the tab Job Lists. The opened tab will be displayed.
  8. Press the name of the job list you selected earlier. The Job lists page with the configuration view for the specific job list will be displayed. 
  9. Press the </> Embed in Website button. The window with the same name will be displayed in the foreground. 
  10. Press either the button  Copy Job List Code button or the button  Send via email and send an appropriate email to the people who maintain the website where old code was present.