The application portal is a platform where publications are displayed. Applicants can search for relevant job postings here. For a publication to be displayed, the publication channel linked to the application portal must be activated in the publication, and the job posting must be active.

Required Permissions  

  • Create application portals

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the page Application Portals.
  2. Click the button  Create.
  3. Fill in the form:
    Configuration details can be found in the main article: Application Portal
    • Properties
      • Name*
      • URL Path
      • Organizational Unit*
      • Job Publication Channel*
      • Layout*
      • Languages*
        • Primary Language*
      • Fixed Source
    • Functions
      • Anable Job Advertisement*
        • Fixed Job Advertisement Template
        • Job Advertisement Template*
      • Fixed Application Questionnaire*
      • Application Questionnaire*
      • Application Import*
    • Search Engines
      • Application Portal Visible to Search Engines
      • Enable Google for Jobs*
        • Company or Organization Name
        • Company or Organization URL
    • Additional Configurations
      • Special Characteristics
      • Additional Header
      • Consent Management
      • Date Protevtion Layer for Embedded Videos Enabled
    • Security
      • IP Policy
      • SSO for Application Portal enabled
      • Enable embedding of job postings as iframe*
  4. Click  Create to save the entry. The Application Portal page will be displayed.

You can now go to the tab Start Page and activate and configure it as needed.

 Service   Full-Service Job Posting

From text editing, spelling and AGG checks, to job board recommendations or quota placement, we support you in job posting.