Explanation of terms

The application portal can be used in two ways. It can be used in full to display or expand your career page or as a collection point/list for publications, which can then be integrated on any website via the job list, for example, or its link and interface can be used for display on job boards.  


Open the Application portals  page and click + Create to create a new application portal.
See Create application portal

Application portal as career site

When the start page is activated, the application portal can extend or replace your career page. It can be adapted as far as possible to the layout of your homepage. Contact us about this. On the homepage you can insert additional code, insert an image, define a headline, which can also contain text and other images, edit the footer and use an additional column on the right. The list of vacancies is displayed on this page.

Application portal as collection point for publications

If you do not use the application portal as a career site, the start page will be deactivated.
An application portal is always connected to a publication channel . This allows you to control the delivery of publicationspublications to different platforms. For example, you can create one application portal each for: homepage, intranet, StepStone, Monster etc. and display a list of job vacancies via a widget on the page (example homepage or intranet) or make data available via an interface for the portals (example Stepstone or Monster).

When using a content management system

If you integrate content via CMS on your website, you design the application portal so that both the start page and the job advertisement are deactivated. You extract the content from the interface and design it on your homepage as you wish.

Behavior in the system

  • Data retrieval
    When an application portal is created, the interface (Job Publication API) is active. Accordingly, job boards can retrieve the data via the interface (JSON, XML or RSS) in conjunction with the URL.
    More about this here: Lose with: Connecting jobbörsen with d.vinci.
  • Renaming
    The name of application portals can be changed at any time. There are no dependencies. The internal name is always decisive for external systems.
  • Preview
    Once you have opened an application portal, you will find the button Preview in the upper area.
    Click on it to see what the application portal looks like when you click on the URL.
    You will either only see a job list or, if you have configured the information in the tab Start Page, the contents of the home page will also appear in the preview.
  • Copy
    Application portals can either be copied in the list of application portals using the copy symbol   or, if the application portal is open, by clicking on the  Copy  button.

  • Deletion
    Before deleting an application portal, you should always check whether it has been connected to external systems or has a connection to certain publication channels that you cannot reach without it. If necessary, you must first link the publication channel to another application channel if you want to continue using this channel. However, please note: An application portal only ever has one publication channel.
  • Notes on configuration

    • Tab Data
      • Properties
        • Name
          The name of the application portal should be chosen so that you can recognize the purpose for which the application portal was created. Examples: StepStone, intranet, homepage
        • URL Path
          The URL is the address where the job advertisements can be found.
          The field URL path is not a mandatory field, as it is also possible to specify a portal without a URL. This is the case for the portal "Homepage" by default. However, the field must be unique. This means that as soon as a name is entered a second time, an error message appears.
        • Organizational Unit
        • Job Publication Channel
          This is the link to the publication channel. If you switch the publication channel in the publication to ON, the job advertisement will appear in the application portal.
          In most cases, you have created publication channels with the same name as the application portal.
        • Layout
          The Layout determines how the home page, job advertisement and application form look, for example.
        • Languages
          You can select several languages . These determine the language in which the publications can be displayed.
        • Primary Language
          In the primary language, the content is displayed first.
        • Fixed Source
          You can define a fixed source for an application portal. All applications will then come via this source. More here: Fixed source.
      • Functions
        • Enable Start Page
          If the start page is activated, you can use the application portal as a career page including a job list. The settings in the Start page  tab will then be visible to everyone who accesses the URL of the application portal.
        • Activate Job Advertisement
          Job advertisements contain the contents of the publications, job advertisement template, etc.
          Only if you activate the function, the job advertisements can be displayed in the application portal.
        • Fixed Job Advertisement Template
          The fixed job advertisement template defines the selection of the job advertisement template in the publication. This ensures that you always use the same job advertisement template for an application portal, regardless of what users post in the publication.
        • Job Advertisement Templates
          The job advertisement template is used for publications for which you have not selected a job advertisement template.
        • Fixed Application Questionnaire
          The fixed application form describes the selection of the application form in the job opening. This ensures that you always use the same application form for an application portal, regardless of what users post in the job opening.
        • Application Questionnaire
          The application form is used for job openings for which you have not selected an application form.
        • Application Import
          Applications can be imported from job boards or through employee referral programs. You have the following options. More in the main article: Application import
      • Google for Jobs
        More about Google for Jobs in the main article: Google for Jobs
        • Enable Google for Jobs
          If you activate this option, the job advertisements of the application portal will be readable for Google for Jobs.
        • Company or Organization Name
          Google requires that you enter a company name for the job advertisements in the application portal. Since only one name can be entered, it would be a good idea to create one application portal per company.
        • Company or Organization URL
          Google requires a link to your company website. 
      • Additional settings
        • Special Characteristic
          If you set a special characteristic here, e.g. Internal applicant [IB] or Human Resources service provider [PD], all applicants who apply via the respective application portal will receive this. This is practical, for example, for internal applicants or those who enter a Human Resources service provider.
        • Additional header
          Further style elements or tracking codes can be added via the Additional header  and thus apply to all pages of the application portal.
        • Consent Management
          Consent Management Tools (CMTs) are used to manage the consent of visitors to your career site regarding the use of their personal data. Especially in the context of data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. These external tools allow you to make consent requests to visitors and manage their preferences regarding the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. This creates transparency and control over the use of personal data and ensures that you comply with the applicable data protection regulations on your career site.
          Your script for integrating a CMT is entered manually in the additional settings of an application portal in the Consent Management field. Please note that d.vinci cannot offer support for the integration of such an external CMT.
        • Data Protection Layer for Embedded Videos Enabled
          This function allows you to display videos from the video platforms YouTube and Vimeo in compliance with the GDPR. If Yes is selected here, videos from both platforms will receive an additional layer that informs viewers that by loading the video, they accept the declarations of the external video portals. The prerequisite for this is that you have inserted the video via the editor into the job advertisement template or into the start page of the application portal. We cannot read self-written code.
      • Interface
        Via the Interface data from external platforms can be retrieved and processed.
    • Tab Start Page
      • Additional Properties
        • Additional Header
          This additional header only applies to the start page and not to all pages of the application portal. Global scripts should be entered in the tab Data.
      • Click to Upload
        This is the header or panorama image for the application portal.
      • Heading
        In the heading you can include all the text and images you want to include above the job list (list of vacancies).
      • Job Offer List
        You have specified an application portal when creating the job list. All job offers that refer to the application portal will be displayed here.
      • Footer
        A footer is usually created here with at least the information on data protection and the legal notice.
      • Click to upload
        This is the final image, at the bottom of the application portal page.
    • Tab Security
      • IP Policy
        The IP Policy allows you to restrict the accessibility of an application portal to an IP segment. This allows only a certain group of users to access the job advertisements. This is useful on the intranet, for example.
      • SSO for application portals

        Application portals such as the intranet should not be accessible from the outside to protect your company's internal information. We have added the new SSO for application portals function to the tab Security in the application portal settings. To be able to use this, SSO must be configured in the basic settings.

        By using the SSO for application portals function, access to the application portal URL is only granted if users are logged in to d.vinci or if they log in with their single sign-on data when they access the application portal URL.

        The prerequisite for securing an application portal via SSO is that SSO has been set up and activated in the basic settings (example settings: Set up single sign-on (using "ADFS" as an example),or Set up single sign-on (using "Azure Active Directory" as an example) ), is activated in the user and the user's login method is Singe Sign-on. 

        Test the security

        To test whether the URL can be accessed with an existing SSO, please log out of d.vinci and then call up the URL of the application portal. If the protection works a message about the protection will be shown.

        Recognize activated protection

        In the list of application portals, you can see at a glance for which application portal the function is active by the symbol with the shield and keyhole.

        The shield symbol also indicates this in the list of users.

      • Enable Embedding of Jab Ads as Iframes
        Some job boards require job advertisements to be embedded via an iframe. If this is the case, you can use this function. More about this here: Display job advertisements via iframe

How our customers use this

In most cases, the application portal is used to generate entries in the job list (as a collection point for publications) and data is transferred to job boards via the interface.

In a few cases, the application portal is used as a career site. This is often the case for customers who do not have their own careers page, if there is no intranet, but internal jobs need to be listed separately or if certain jobs need to be displayed quickly in an extra area.

 Service    Design of career websites

We help you to design a successful career website that makes you attractive and credible as an employer.