To switch from one status to another, you need status transitions. If no status transition exists for a status, the status cannot be changed. First, you need permission for it.


Which user can see the status is determined by permissions. The permissions can be bundled in a role.

Required Permissions

  • Create permissions

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the page Permissions.
  2. Click the Permission button. The input form with the same name will appear.
  3. Fill out the input form.
    • Display name*
    • Application status
    • Task definitions
    • Create all possible status transitions
      Note: Choose this only if the user should be able to switch from any status to any other status.
    • Workflows
    • Internal name
  4. Click the Create button to save the entries. The Permissions page with the entered details will appear.
  5. Click the Status Transition tab. An input form will appear.
  6. Fill out the input form.
    • Initial status*
    • Target status*
    • Target status shortcuts: This will appear only if at least one target status is selected.
  7. Click the Create button to save the entries. The Permissions page with the details of the created status transition will appear.
    Click the Create and Create Another button to create multiple status transitions consecutively.