Explanation of terms

With the job list, an overview of your job advertisements is displayed on any website and presented in your corporate design.

You can create different job lists according to your needs. For example, a list with only trainee job ads, one with IT jobs, one with only English-language entries, one with other jobs, and much more.

These benefits are offered by the job list

  • You can easily set the font, colors, background colors, and much more.
  • Use filters to help applicants find the right job faster.
  • If you have a specific target group or location in mind, you can create a job list with predefined filters, which will only display corresponding results.
  • The resulting JavaScript widget can be embedded on your website or any other website.
  • If an agency is responsible for your website, the code can alternatively be sent by e-mail.


In the Menu under Job lists, you will find the button + Create.

Behavior in the system

  • Benefits
    The job list displays all job openings with the respective information that is maintained in the publication and/or publication.
  • Tab Job Lists

    In the tab, you will find a list of all job lists that have already been created. You can also create a new job list using the + Create button.
  • You have the following selection and therefore design options:
    • General settings
      • Job List Layout (tile or list) with and without images: This determines the arrangement of your job ads in the list.
      • Display Language: This is the language of the publication to be displayed here.
      • Jobs per Page: Number of jobs displayed on a page. If there are more in the list, viewers can scroll to the next page.
      • Sort by (position, publication date): This determines the order in which the job ads are listed in the list.
      • Order by (ascending descending): Sorting alphabetically ascending (a-z) or descending (z-a).
      • Open Job Ad in New Window: If you do not activate this, the job advertisement will be opened in the existing window. Otherwise, it will open in a new tab in the browser.
      • Display Icons: Displays icons in front of the text for organizational unit (), category (), location (), company (), target group (), working hours (), contract duration (), earliest possible start date (). These options can be shown and hidden in the results list area.
      • Display "New" Label: Add a label "New" to all entries in the job list.
      • Mark new job publications with "New" label (in days): New job publications are provided with a label that reads "New" for the set number of days from the day of the publication.
    • Color and Font Design: If you do not set anything here, the default color black will be used.
      • Brand Color: This affects: drop-down characters in the filters, icons, frame around the selected filter, color background of a selected filter option.
      • Brand Contrast Color: This affects: Text of the filter option, number of results per filter option.
      • Font Color: This affects: Placeholder text "Please select" in the filters, font for category and company, display of the number of job offers.
      • Font: This affects: The font of the entire job list.
      • Font Weight: This affects: Placeholder text "Please select" in the filters, font for category and company.
      • Font Size: Font of the filter options, subtitle, font for category and company.
    • Titles of Filters
      • Display Titles of Filters: If this is activated, the filter headings are displayed above the selection field for the filter options. If this is deactivated, the filter headings appear within the selection field for the filter options.
      • Font Color: This affects: Title of filters when it is displayed.
      • Font: This affects: Title of filters, if this is displayed.
      • Font Size:: This affects: Title of filters, if it is displayed.
      • Font Weight: This affects: Title of filters, if it is displayed.
    • Titles of Position: This is the positionin the job publication.
      • Font Color: This affects: positions and subtitles.
      • Font: This influences: positions.
      • Font Size: This influences: positions.
      • Font Weight: This influences: positions and subtitles.
    • Input fields
      • Background Color: This affects: The color background of the filter options.
      • Rounded Corners: This affects: Rounding of the filter selection.
    • Results List
      • Background Color (Results List): This affects: The color background of the entries in the results list.
      • Border Color (Results List): This affects: The colored outline of the entries in the results list.
      • Rounded Corners: This affects: Rounding of the entries in the results list.
      • Background color (Hover): This affects: Color change of the entry in the results list when the mouse is held over it.
      • Organizational Unit: If this is activated, the organizational unit is listed in the results list. An icon in front of the font is also possible. This is controlled in the General settings - Show icons section.
      • Category: If this is activated, the category is listed in the results list. An icon in front of the font is also possible. This is controlled in the General settings - Show icons section.
      • Location: If this is activated, the location is listed in the results list. An icon in front of the text is also possible. This is controlled in the General settings - Show icons section.
      • Company: If this is activated, the company will be listed in the results list. An icon in front of the text is also possible. This is controlled in the General settings - Show icons section.
      • Target Group: If this is activated, the target group is listed in the results list. An icon in front of the text is also possible. This is controlled in the General settings - Show icons section.
      • Working Times: If this is activated, the working hours are listed in the results list. An icon in front of the font is also possible. This is controlled in the General settings - Show icons section.
      • Contract Periods: If this is activated, the contract term is shown in the results list. An icon in front of the text is also possible. This is controlled in the General settings - Show icons section.
      • Earliest Starting Date: If this is activated, the earliest possible start is listed in the results list. An icon before the font is also possible. This is controlled in the General settings - Show icons section.
    • Filters: Important information about the settings that apply to many of the filters:
      • Preselected: A selection can be entered which limits the results in the results list in advance.
      • Allowed Values: If you select something here, only these options will be available for applicants to choose from.
      • Filter Label: If you enter something here, the filter is no longer called keyword search, but your entered word appears above the input field.
      • Display Filter: If you select no here, the default setting remains active, but the applicants will no longer be able to see how the results list was previously restricted. Applicants can also no longer make a selection themselves.
      • Google Maps: Displays a Google Maps map above the results list in which the locations are marked. Attention, for the correct display, the longitude and latitude must be inserted in the master data of the locations.
        • API-Key: The API key is required so that the map can be displayed. You must create this from your company Google account and enter it here. The best way to do this is to search Google for "Create Google Maps API key".
        • Consent Necessary Dialog: If this is activated, a message appears: This content is provided by Google Maps. For more information, please see our privacy policy. Below the button Activate. The word Privacy Policy will become a link as soon as the privacy policy URL is maintained.
        • Privacy Policy URL: This is the Internet address for your privacy policy.
      • Keyword search: The keyword search can be displayed as the first filter. This is a full-text search that searches the entire content of the job advertisement for the word entered. The word must be written 1:1 as it appears in the job advertisement.
        • Preselected
        • Filter Label
        • Display Filter
      • Organizational unit: This allows you to limit the results list to specific organizational units or applicants are given the opportunity to search for organizational units. This is based on the organizational units that are selected in active job openings.
        • Preselected
        • Allowed Values
        • Filter Label
        • Display Filter
      • Company: This allows you to limit the results list to specific companies or applicants are given the opportunity to search for companies. This is based on the companies selected in active job openings.
        • Preselected
        • Allowed Values
        • Filter Label
        • Display Filter
      • Category: This allows you to limit the results list to certain categories or applicants are given the opportunity to search by category. This is based on the categories selected in active job openings.
        • Preselected
        • Allowed Values
        • Filter Label
        • Display Filter
      • Location: This allows you to restrict the results list to specific locations or applicants are given the opportunity to search for locations. This is based on the locations selected in active job openings.
        • Preselected
        • Allowed Values
        • Filter Label
        • Display Filter
      • Target group: This allows you to limit the results list to specific target groups or applicants are given the opportunity to search for target groups. This is based on the target groups that are selected in active job openings.
        • Preselected
        • Allowed Values
        • Filter Label
        • Display Filter
      • Language: This allows you to restrict the results list to specific languages or applicants are given the option to search by language. This is based on the languages selected in active publications.
        • Preselected
        • Allowed Values
        • Filter Label
        • Display Filter
    • Query Parameters
      • Parameters: The default setting here is "fields=small". If you load a job list layout with images, the value is automatically deleted from the field so that the images can be advertised. Other parameters are possible here. You can find more information on this in the REST API documentation.
  • Tab Usage Statistics

    This tab shows you the status of your job list. The job lists marked as "outdated" must be replaced by a job list of the new technology. Find out more here: Replace outdated job list
    • Button Archive selected
      If URLs are selected, you can archive them. Archived URLs cannot be restored. You can only view them so that you know on which pages which job lists were listed in the past. Archiving is only for a better overview.
    • Button Select all
       If you press this button, you select all available job lists. The Archive selected button then appears, which you can use to archive all available job lists.
    • Button Select none
      If you have selected several URLs with the checkbox, you can cancel the selection by clicking the Select none button.
    • Button with cogwheel symbol
      • Update list
        If you have made changes to the job lists or suspect that the number of calls and the like have changed in the meantime and do not yet see them in the list, you can press the Refresh list button to call up the current status.
    • URL
      The URL is the Internet address/website on which the job list is integrated. If you click on it, the page will open in a new tab. Attention: Pages that cannot be accessed externally, for example because they are password-protected, cannot be accessed here. However, we also provide you with measurement data such as the number of hits for these pages.
    • Application portal
      The application portal is listed here, from which the publications are displayed as job advertisements on the URL.
    • Views
      The number shows you how often the page was accessed in general. Not only by you from within the system, but also by external parties such as candidates. The starting point for the measurement is the release on 25.07.2024.
    • First documented view
      This shows you when the website on which the job list is integrated was accessed for the first time. The starting point of the measurement is the release on 25.07.2024.
    • Last Viewed
      This shows you when the website on which the job list is used was last accessed. The starting point of the measurement is the release on 25.07.2024.
    • State
      • New
        The job list on the website (URL) has been created using our job list function and uses the latest technology.    
      • Outdated
        The job list on the website (URL) uses old technology. It must be replaced by a new job list for the application portal. Either one that you have previously created or a new one that you create. If you have selected a new job list for the application portal, you must replace it on the website. To do this, copy the code of the job list and make it available to the people who manage your website. See also: Replace an outdated job list
      • You can use the boxes to select different URLs and mark them either by selecting them individually or by clicking the Select all button. The Archive selected button is then available.
  • Notes on configuring a new job list

    • Displayed Language
      The displayed language controls the language in which the job list is displayed.

      You can influence the behavior of the job list on your website: 

      • You do select a displayed language during the creation or editing of the job list 
        The job list will be displayed in the language selected as the displayed language. 
      • You do not select a displayed language during the creation or editing of the job list 
        • The language in which the job list is displayed will be determined by the language of the application portal.
          If you renamed the filter label in the job list, these will not be translated.
          For example, if you renamed the filter "Company" to "Firm," the label "Firm" will remain even if a different language is selected.
        • If you press the </> embed in website button, you can select a displayed language.
          The job list will only be displayed in that language on the website where the code is embedded.
          This allows you to display the same job list in multiple languages by adding a language parameter to the code before embedding it.
    • Font
      • Input of the font: The name of the font must be entered exactly as it is called/written. Otherwise, it will not be recognized.
      • Display of the font
        • In the preview, the job list is displayed with the browser's default fonts.
        • If you use your own font, this can only be displayed in our application portal once the font has been installed in our layout. Write to us, we will send you an offer for this.
        • If you use your own font, it can only be displayed on your website if the font is installed locally on your website.
    • Colour values: If you have not yet selected any colour values, you can tell by the icon behind the field for entering colour values.
    • Syllabification: Syllabification is performed according to the settings of the browser used and automatically breaks long names. If errors occur due to the hyphenation of the browser, it often helps to use other and possibly shorter words. It can also help to use a job list layout that makes longer entries possible, such as the list.
    • Limitation of the filter options: The information working times, contract period, and earliest possible start date from the results list cannot be shown or hidden as filters.
    • Back to the job list: If you have opened a job ad in the existing window in the preview, you can click on the "Refresh button" to return to the job list view.
    • Reset: The Reset button resets your changes to the last saved status. So save regularly to simply undo any changes that are inappropriate.
    • Code for the job list/integration on websites
      • A code is generated by your selections on the job list page. This code/the resulting JavaScript widget can be embedded on your or any other website.
      • The code can be called up via the button </> Embed in website. Here you will also find the option to send the code directly to other people by email. For example, to the agency that is responsible for your website.
      • It is possible that the email with the code will end up in your recipients' spam. We cannot influence this, but it is due to the security settings of your recipients' email providers. If you do not hear from the person who is supposed to embed the code in the website, please ask again whether the email has arrived.
      • Important: Each job list requires its own website on which it is inserted. If you insert several codes on one page, only the first job list will be displayed.
      • Changes that are made, saved, and published in the job list are directly visible on all pages on which the code has been integrated.
    • Error message at integration on websites

      In special constellations, your CMS may display an error message. For example, a Wordpress plugin recognized the code for the job list as unsafe and was no longer able to display the job list. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control. Please report these cases to us and we will check whether we can do anything about it.

You would like a new concept for your job advertisements?

Service Re-design of job ad layout and job list

We help you to revise and improve your application portal, job advertisement, job list, application form and/or thank you page.

How our customers use this

On provision of your system, we will design the job list so that it fits in with your corporate design. If you want to make changes afterwards, you can do this yourself on the page job lists.

Many of our customers create job lists for specific career pages. For example, a list in which only IT job advertisements are listed or all training positions.