Explanation of the term

Imagine a job publication as the content of a job advertisement, consisting of elements such as an introductory text, tasks, and requirements.

A job publication, a job advertisement template and a layout are necessary for displaying a job opening as a job advertisement in the application portal.

 Service   Full-Service-Anzeigenschaltung

From texting, through spelling and checks on General Act on Equal Treatment, all the way to job board consulting or contingent management. We will gladly assist you with your ad placement. 


You can create a job publication in the job publications section of a job opening.


Behavior in the system

  • Icon   (Field Schema Configuration)
    This icon allows you to select which fields have to be displayed and filled out.
  • Icon   (Job Publication Templates)
    Create templates and insert these before you start filling out the form, so you do not need to write every job publication from scratch.
  • Job publications can be created in multiple languages. These have to be enabled in the Basic Settings first.
  • The Position is the title, under which it will be displayed for applicants in the job advertisement.
  • Subtitles can complement the position and provide the job ad with additional information.
  • The Page title and Short description can be used for search engine optimization to a certain extent.
  • The Job advertisement template specifies the structure of the job advertisement.
  • If you select a panoramic image, it will overwrite the image from the job advertisement template.
  • Share via Social Media enables you to select a social media image for your job publication on social media and on platforms such as LinkedIn and Xing.
  • By selecting previously created company benefits, you can make yourselves even more attractive as an employer.
  • In the section of Additional information, you will find the external link to the advertisement. You can use it if you create the job publication, for example, via a CMS.
  • It is possible to create several job publications for one job opening. This can come in handy, for example, in case a job advertisement should have a different text on each publication channel.
  • Job publication channels are controlled via the status of the job publication channel (ON/OFF), in which application portal (StepStone, Indeed etc.) a job publication becomes visible.
  • You can set a publication timeframe for your job publications via the XXX icon. Once the endpoint is reached, the publication channel is automatically switched to the OFF state. The job advertisement is then no longer accesible to applicants.
  • You can identify the status of the job publication via the colored circles.
  • Depending on how you have set up the publication channel, Send job advertisement enables you to forward it by email to someone for publication.
  • Button   Job Advertisements
    Preview the job advertisement exactly how it would look on the publication channels.
  • Button   Start Release Process
    Here you can release or reject the job publication directly.
  • Button  

This is how our customers use it

Many customers create more than one job publication for a job opening. Either to advertise it in multiple languages or to vary the texts per publication channel.

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