If you click on the History tab in the application, you can track the applicant's recruiting process.
The tab contains a list of all applications relevant correspondences, status changes, feedbacks, recommendations etc. with date, time and editor.
You can see here at a glance what happened and who made the changes.
In the first column you will see an icon for the type of history entry.
- The icon of the status to which the status change occurred.
- Applied documents/application was recorded
- Info sent
- recommendation was made
- Feedback was given
- rating has been set
- comment has been set
- tender was changed
- resubmission has been created or filled
- application was changed
- message was received
- Success of appointment booking by applicant
In the second column you will see the title, the description and an icon if applicable.
On Send info or a status change with correspondence you will see a icon if an email was sent and a icon if a letter was sent. When you press on the icon, öthe correspondence that was sent opens. If this icon has an addition by the icon, the sending is scheduled to a later time.
The last column contains the date, time, and name of the user who executed the changes.