When creating or editing existing email signatures, they can be designed centrally for all users.

Depending on your system's configuration, you can find email signatures in the Correspondence Templates or the Format Templates. Note: We always recommend creating the signature in the Format Template, as it can then be edited centrally without needing to manually adjust each correspondence template.

Change of the Format Template

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the Format Template you want to edit. 
  2. Click on one of the edit icons to edit the content. An input form will appear. 
  3. Edit the content in the Templatefield as desired.


    The placeholder {CORRESPONDENCE_TEMPLATE:CONTENT} must always be placed at the top.
    This represents the content of the correspondence template.

  4. Click on Update to save your changes. 

Tips for Editing the Content

Using Placeholders

  • Using the [T] button in the editor, you can insert placeholders. This ensures that the correct content is always added, depending on the job posting or company the signature applies to.
  • The placeholder {CORRESPONDENCE_TEMPLATE:CONTENT} must always be included in the content.
    This represents the text of the correspondence template. 
  • Placeholders for the responsible user of the job posting, the logged-in user, or the job posting are often used for signatures.
  • It is also possible to include the salutation placeholder in the format template.
    However, you have more flexibility if you include the salutation in the correspondence template, as you can choose between informal or formal language. If added to the format template, it applies to all company documents. 
  • The imprint/footer of a signature is usually found in the master data on the Company page in the Description, after selecting a company. Often, managing directors and similar information are stored here and can be edited. 
 Commonly Used Placeholders

For all cases, the user is stored in the job posting as the responsible user of the job posting.

  • Responsible user of the job posting - First Name
    Configuration: First Name is filled in the user profile.
  • Responsible user of the job posting - Last Name
    Configuration: Last Name is filled in the user profile.
  • Responsible user of the job posting - Position
    Configuration: Position is filled in the user profile.
  • Responsible user of the job posting - Phone
    Configuration: Phone is filled in the user profile.
  • Responsible user of the job posting - Company
    Configuration: The Company Name is filled in the master data.
  • Responsible user of the job posting - Company Address (without country)
    Configuration: The Country and Address of the Company are filled in the master data.
  • Responsible user of the job posting - Company Description 1-4
    Configuration: The Description of the Company is filled in the master data.

Inserting Images

Images, such as logos, can be added to the signature using a General Image

It is often recommended not to insert the image directly in the format template but in the company description (via the General Image). The information can then, for example, be added to the format template via the Responsible User of the Job Posting - Company Description 1, 2, 3, or 4 placeholder.

Please do not upload an image via the editor, but only use the link generated when creating the General Image. Make sure the image is already the size it should be in the signature.
Subsequent resizing does not work! If done differently, the images are often displayed very large.

Example Signature

  Code View


<p>Best regards</p>




<hr />


<p style=" font-size: 10px;">The content of this email is confidential and intended only for the designated recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this email or their representative, please note that any form of knowledge, publication, duplication, or distribution of the content of this email is prohibited. Please contact the sender of the email in this case.</p>

  View in the Template Layout

  View at creating the email

  View in the history of the application

  View in the mailbox of the applicants

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