Definition of terms

The consent to privacy policy is a field that must be filled out in the application form. as mandatory field, as optional or as hidden. If used correctly, it ensures that you are legally permitted to collect the applicant's data and use it for your purposes.



In questionnaires(except for appointment survey), the Consent to privacy policy  field can be set in the tab Form.
See also: Display privacy policy


Behavior in the system

  • Definition of the content
    In the tab Form, you will find the section Consent to privacy policy.
    Via the icon  the elements can be edited. Please discuss the contents of the consent to privacy with your data protection officer. We cannot and may not make any recommendations in this area.
    Elements that you can customize: 
    • Heading
    • Content
    • Additional Content
      Example of additional content: I have read the privacy policy and give my consent to the collection and use of my data entered above.
  • Definition as mandatory field
    If the field is defined as a mandatory field, the "Consent to privacy policy" card appears in the Form  tab of the application form. 
  • Review status of consent in the application
    The status of consent can be tracked in the application.
    • The field was defined as a mandatory field, then it says: Consent to privacy policy: accepted
    • The field was hidden, then it says: Consent to privacy policy: not accepted
      Please note that the request for consent can also be made at a later date and this status will then be changed accordingly in the application.
  • Filtering
    In the application search and the applicant can be filtered according to the consent to privacy policy

How our customers use this

Applications submitted via the application form should include a consent to privacy policy. You can get some inspiration for the text here: Sample data protection text

If you receive applications by email or post, you must obtain the applicant's consent to use their data in your applicant management system. This requires consent to privacy policy.

This is usually shown on a separate questionnaire for sending. See: Lose with: Subsequent consent to privacy policy / Send manual confirmation of receipt.