Explanation of term

Conflicts are indicated by a special conflict symbol  on applications and indicate multiple applications/duplicate applications in the system. They indicate that applicants may have inadvertently submitted multiple applications or that documents have been submitted late. The aim is to ensure a clear distinction between personal data and the applications themselves, whereby only the personal data is processed in the event of a conflict, while the applications remain untouched.


In order to see tasks for conflict resolution and to be able to resolve conflicts, users need two permissions

  1. Permissions Conflict | resolve system-wide or Conflicts | resolve according to view permission; Permissions to view and solve conflicts system-wide are included in the role HR department (default) when the system is delivered.
  2. PermissionsSpecial Character "MB: Multiple applicants" | view to additionally receive tasks for conflicts and to be able to solve them. When the system is delivered, this is stored by default in the roles specialist department (standard) and  HR department (standard).

Behavior in the system

  • Fundamentals
    • Distinction between person and application
      We distinguish between a person and an application. Each application creates a new person in the system, in which basic data such as name, address and career are stored. The conflict function ensures that a conflict symbol appears for persons with the same name.
      A person can have several applications in the system. However, an application is only ever assigned to one person. The first name and the last name are therefore used for the conflict check. If you merge the persons (by conflict resolution as "same person"), the application data such as the documents or completed screening questions are retained. However, the personal data is overwritten by the data of the most recent person. The newest person is the one for whom you have clicked on the conflict symbol. Personal data is the information in the tab Data  in the application in the following areas: Properties. Contact information, Career. There is then only one person with two applications in the system.
      The other applications are listed in the Application in the Data tab as Other applications and can be accessed from there.
    • Conflict marker
      Conflicts are always triggered and marked with the conflict symbol as soon as the first name and the last name are the same in an application. Regardless of how the application enters the system. When the application is entered manually and also when it is entered by the applicant via the application form.
    • Prevention of multiple applicationsMultiple applications cannot be prevented. The risk would be too great that you lose interesting applicants. Perhaps the candidate will be suitable for another position at a later date.
  • Difference between the Permissions to resolce conflicts system-wide and resolve conflicts according to view permission
    You can decide whether users should resolve conflicts system-wide or in the different organizational levels/within their access area.
    At best, decide on the application of one permissions. There should not be users with one Permissions and users with the other in your system.
    Why is this important? 
    If users have both Permissions, the system is based on the principle of unrestricted (system-wide) conflict resolution. This means that all conflicts relating to the person are deleted again, even if they are not within the user's field of vision. 
    • Users should continue to delete conflicts for your entire company?
      You don't need to do anything. The Permissions that make this possible are called K>conflicts | delete system-wide and are stored in the Human Resources role (default) when the system is delivered.
    • Should users only delete conflicts for job openings that are visible to them? 
      The Permissions Conflicts | delete according to visible permission must be manually added to their role and the Permissions Conflicts | resolve system-wide must be removed from it. If necessary, an existing role must be copied, the Conflicts | resolve system-wide permission must be removed from it, the Conflicts | resolve according to view permission permission must be added and the role must be assigned to the users. See also: Role - edit, copy or delete
      On the Roles page, use the filter button  and search for the word MA to display all roles with permissions for multiple applicants.
  • Difference between the authorization "MA: Multiple Applicants" | view system-wide and "MA: Multiple Applicants" | view according to view permission

    You can decide whether users should see conflicts system-wide or in the different organizational levels/within their access area.


    At best, decide to apply one persmission. There should not be users with one authorization and users with the other permission in your system.

    Why is this important?

    If users receive both permissions, the system is based on the principle of unrestricted (system-wide) multiple applicant visibility. This means that all applications marked as multiple applicants are visible again and users are automatically informed about them, even if they are not in their area of responsibility.

    • Users should still be able to see conflicts for your entire company?

      You don't need to do anything. The permission that makes this possible is called Special Character "MA: Multiple Applicant" | viwe system-wide and is stored in the Human resources role (standard) when the system is delivered.

    • Should users only see conflicts for job advertisements that are visible to them?

      The permission Special Character "MA: Multiple Applicants" | view according to view permission must be added manually to your role and the authorization  Special Character "MA: Multiple Applicants" | view system-wide must be removed from it.

      If necessary, an existing role must be copied, the permission Special Character "MA: Multiple Applicant" | view system-wide must be removed from it, the authorization Special Character "MA: Multiple Applicant" | view according to view permission must be added and the role must be assigned to the users. See also: Role - edit, copy or delete

      Use the filter button on the Roles page and search for the word MA to display all roles with permissions for multiple applicants.

  • System behind the conflict resolution
    When a new application is received, our system checks whether the combination of first name and last name exists in the system.
    If this is the case, the new and previously existing applications are marked with a conflict symbol.
    In addition, a conflict resolution task is created for all users who can see applications from this person. If a conflict is resolved, the application receives the MA badge (multiple application).
  • Task for conflict resolution
    • The conflict resolution task is available to all users who have access to one of the person's applications and have the Permissions flag "MA: Multiple Applicant" | view in their role.
      The conflict symbol  can be clicked in the application to access the task for this person.
      Alternatively, you can open the menu item Tasks at the top of the system bar and look for the conflict symbol.
    • Depending on which Permissions the user has the right to resolve the conflict, it will be resolved system-wide or only in the area of their own view permission.
      • The Permission Conflict | resolve system-wide enables the conflict to be resolved anywhere in the system.
      • The Permissions Conflict | resolve according to view permission will only resolve the conflict at the level for which the user is responsible/for which the user has view permission.
  • Examination of the conflict/persons
    All applications with the same first and last name will receive a conflict symbol  . This is intended to indicate that the applicant's personal data should be checked manually and the following checked:
    • Has an applicant accidentally applied twice for the same job?
    • Has an applicant deliberately applied twice for the same job because they forgot to include an attachment/information the first time?
    • Has an applicant already applied in the past? 
    • Has an applicant applied for another position at the same time? 
    • Is this a new person, with the same first name and surname as another person who has already been entered in the system?
  • Resolve conflict
    • Compare the data
      As soon as you click on the conflict symbol  you can delete the conflict. The following personal data of the applicant can be compared if they have been provided:

      • Salutation
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Date of Birth
      • Telephone
      • Street
      • Zip Code, City
      • Country
      • Title of the jon publication (Position)
      • Application Date
  • Buttons for conflict resolution
    You have two options for resolving the conflict
    • The same person
      Click on the button Same person and the following message will appear:
      Applications and missing data will be mapped to the new person. This person will be deleted!
      The data of the old person will be overwritten with the data of the new person (the person for whom you have clicked on the conflict symbol).
      A new person has entered a date of birth, the "existing"/old person has entered a differentdate of birth. The old person's date of birth is discarded and replaced by the new person's date of birth.
      If the new person has not yet entered a date of birth, but an existing person has, the date of birth of the existing person is transferred to the new person's data record.
      We cannot restore the original data of the old person and it cannot be viewed again after the conflict has been resolved. The documents belonging to the person will also be deleted. Therefore, check carefully before resolving the conflict whether the correct data is being retained.
      For example, there is the case where the person applies for the same job again because they have forgotten to attach documents.
    • Different persons

      Click on the button Resolve conflict: different persons
      The task disappears and all data is retained exactly as it was entered in the system. There is also no MB badge on the application because, according to the conflict resolution, they are completely different people.

    • Exception for manual deletion
      If a person has applied several times for the same job with the same details, the duplicate applications should be deleted manually.

How our customers use this

Our customers use the automatically generated conflict resolution tasks to efficiently manage multiple applications. They carefully review the applicant data and decide how to handle the applications based on the specific circumstances - for example, whether they are inadvertent duplicate applications or legitimate multiple applications for different positions. This practice ensures that the application process is clear and fair for everyone involved.
More on this here: Solving conflicts/multiple applications