Definition of terms

The idle time per application includes the time that elapses between the setting of two application status .



The dwell time is automatically recorded by the system and does not need to be configured 

Behavior in the system

  • Calculation and display of the average idle time
    The 5 application statuses with the longest idle time are displayed.

    The time is calculated from the first day the status was set until the change to another status or today's date if there has not yet been a status change. So you can see for each selected period of time in which application status the applications have spent the most time.

    If there are fewer than 5 application statuses in use, fewer statuses will be advertised accordingly.

  • Benefit

    For example, if the review of the application by the line manegement always is listed first, you know that it may be useful to hold interviews at this point in order to be able to realize a faster application process.

  • Evaluation
    There are various ways to evaluate the wait time:

    • Delay times per application in the job opening in the tab Analysis
      This view can be accessed on the Job Opening page in the tab Analysis.
      Here the average idle times for a specific job opening are displayed. More here: Analysis
    • Average idle time in days under the menu option applications
      The wait times for all job openings that match the current filter settings on the page are displayed here.
      The average idle time in days can be displayed by clicking on the Application  menu item as a graphic on the overview page with tab Job openings can be viewed.
      The graphic shows seven application statuses with the longest waiting times. This helps to identify the most urgent need for action.


      The wait time is an average value for all applications that are displayed in the current overview with the current status. This means: Filters that are set influence the view of the graphic for the average wait time in days.

    • Duration per application in reporting

      The duration per application can be evaluated by clicking the Reports  menu item and then clicking the More reports  button. More here: Reports
      The reporting of lay times gives you the opportunity to identify bottlenecks at an early stage.
  • Time measurement 
    The idle time increases for the current application status, as the time from setting the status to the time the report or the view of the graphic under the menu item Applications is measured.
  • Manual calculation
    The idle time can also be calculated and viewed manually by looking at the history of each application.
  • Loading time
    In order to speed up the display of the application overview, the will be loaded after all other content of the website. Therefore, please be patient if it is not displayed correctly immediately.

Example for calculating the average values of the wait time per application in reporting:

There are 2 applications (A and B) for the same job opening and in the same evaluation period.

Let's consider the status New for both applications.

Situation A

  • In application A, 3 days have passed until the status has been changed from New to Check at Line Management.
  • For application B, 5 days have passed until the status has been changed from New to Check at Line Management.

    Both times are added per status and divided by the number of applications.
    = (3 days application A + 5 days application B) / 2 applications = 4 days (average value)

Situation B

  • Application A has taken 3 days to change the status from New to Check at Line Management.
    Application A has been set to New again after a change in the call for applications and it took another 3 days for the status to be set to Check at Line Management.
  • Application B took 3 days until the status was changed from New to Check at Line Management.

    All times are added per status and divided by the number of applications.
    = (3 days application A + 3 days application A + 3 days application B) / 2 applications = 4.5 days (average value)

How our customers use this

The layover time is used as an initial insight into the length of the recruiting process and provides information on where processes could be accelerated.