The application idle time refers to the time that passes between the setting of two application statuses.
For the current application status, the idle time increases because the time is measured from the time the status is set until the time the report is generated or the graphic is viewed under the menu item Applications.


The idle time can also be calculated and viewed manually by looking into the history of each application. 

There are two ways to evaluate the idle time:

A) Average idle time in days under the menu item Applications

The average idle time in days can be viewed as a graph on the Application overview page with the Job Openings tab open.
The graph lists seven application statuses with the longest waiting times. This helps to identify the current most urgent need for action.


The idle time is an average value for all applications that are displayed in the current overview with the current status. This means: Filters which are set influence the view of the graph for the average idle time in days.

B) Idle times per application in reporting

The idle time per application can be evaluated by clicking the Reports menu item and then clicking the Further Reports button.  

Reporting the idle times gives you the opportunity to identify shortages at an early stage. 

Example for calculating the average values of the idle time per application in the reporting:

There are 2 applications (A and B) on the same job opening and in the same evaluation period.

Let's consider the status New for both applications.

Situation A

  • For application A, 3 days have passed until the status was set from New to Forwarded to department.
  • For application B, 5 days have passed until the status was set from New to Forwarded to department.

Both times are added per status and divided by the number of applications.

= (3 days application A + 5 days application B) / 2 applications = 4 days (average value)

Situation B

  • In case of application A 3 days have passed until the status was set from New to Forwarded to department.
  • In case of application A, the status New has been set again after a change of job opening and it took another 3 days until the status was set to Forwarded to department.
  • For application B 3 days have passed until the status was set from New to Forwarded to department.

All times are added per status and divided by the number of applications.

= (3 days application A + 3 days application A + 3 days application B) / 2 applications = 4.5 days (average value)