When you want to change an application status, it can sometimes happen that a status you want to set does not appear in the drop-down menu.

This is often because you have not yet set up view permission on the status for your role or there is no status change option from the status to another.

Proceed as follows: 

You can get a first clue by checking the application permission in the user.

If that does't work, please check the following:

  1. Open the page Permissions.
    Click on the permissions that match your role.
    Depending on how your system is set up, there are one or two that come into question (for example, application status of role XY and status change of role XY - these can also be called something else, as you can create the names yourself).
  2. Check which statuses are entered in the permission.
    To do this, look under Status and also check whether statuses are specified in the role or the contained role and which ones.
    If the status you are looking for is not there, add it to the permission. 
  3. Check which status transitions are entered in the permission.
    To do this, call up the Status transitions tab and see whether the status is available as the initial status.
    Also look at the status transitions of the role and the contained role.
    If it is not included, add it.
    If it is available, but the status you want to change to is not yet entered as the target status, then add it by clicking on the edit symbol.

If the status you are looking for is assigned to your role and a status change from that status to another is set up, you should be able to execute the change.